Session 104: Impatient Inquiries

General Summary

11th-15th Brussendar 836PD   11th Brussendar   Simeon shares what he saw from his scrying, and the party deduce that the White Dragon, Aylsenore, they faced crossing the Stormcrest mountains from Syngorn a couple of months ago, has captured Merellian.   With over week spare before they have to go to the Summer Court Ball, the Unbroken promise to aid in rescuing Merellian. They start making preparations to leave the next day. Orlando sends to Captain Kalcyra of the Storms Call airship to ask if they are able to meet in Syngorn ASAP. Kalcyra responds that Gilmore has just finished the magical modifications to the ship in Westruun, and agrees for 200 gold she can pay the crew to work overtime to get to ship to Syngorn by the 14th.   Noting Lianthorn’s difficulty with trying to find out information from his superiors, and Raven’s own status as banished ‘traitor’ to Syngorn, the group contact Allura to ask for official credentials from the Council that would provide some diplomatic cover for them and Raven, as well as possible influence to get audiences with seniors in Syngorn. Allura commissions the passes and will send someone to deliver them ready for when they leave in the morning.   As the group rest over the evening, Raven has his own unexpected visitor, Jinarth. They had heard of the party’s request for Council Credentials and wanted to deliver them personally, especially Raven’s credentials considering her own role in his banishment from Syngorn.   They continue their conversation from earlier in the day when they were at the Ruins of O’Noa, things now a little calmer to talk. Jinarth takes the time to explain more from their side, when they were a spy working with Raven in Syngorn. It was the imposter/Lock-Breaker Palmer that had ordered her to betray Raven, whilst she did genuinely love him, her duty came first. For both of them now, their duties still come first and will be professional, but if they survive what is to come, then a drink together sometime would be nice.   12th – 13th Brussendar   After an evening’s rest, the party get set to leave for Syngorn. Arthur knows a teleportation circle to the Spellbinder’s Guildhall in the Tarn Ward, that was given to him by the Guildrunner Rawndel. Lianthorn will travel by Eagle back as the guild wouldn’t be a suitable place for a soldier and his Eagle to suddenly appear in!   Arthur uses his watch fob focus as a compass, drawing the sigils of the circle in the direction of Syngorn and with everyone ready, they teleport in a vortex of blue and purple energy.   Arriving at the Guildhall, they are met by an incredulous Guildrunner Rawndel, as that circle is only supposed to be used in cases of emergency! Arthur assuages the high elf mage, apologising for the lack of protocol but he picks up some unease in his arcane associates’ demeanour. Rawndel reveals that the guild has been directed to focus on new priority work, which is causing tensions with them and the military. Arthur is able to infer that Syngorn is secretly preparing to shift to the Feywild for safety.   The group head to the Barracks to meet with Linathorn’s commanding officer, Captain Lenovo, who they’ve met before when they needed help travel to the Frostweald. The Captain meets them outside to talk privately, he reveals that he doesn’t know much but an entire squadron has been involved in something that has gone wrong, and it’s being hushed up. He suggests that Major Sim Lail of the Army would know, but he warns that they should be indirect in their approach as the Major forcibly squashes any inquiries into the subject. Captain Mihlu Daad is suggested as someone that the Major would confide in and could be approached. Lenovo recognises Raven under his hood, warns there is still a bounty on him in Syngorn if he breaks his banishment.   Lenovo takes his leave to avoid arousing any further suspicion amongst the soldiers, but he points them towards Major Lail’s office. Raven finds a quiet spot to disguise himself as a bag carrier servant, Simon.   The Unbroken speak with the guards to the Army barracks, Raphael wishes to speak with Captain Daad, stating that they had been in recent contact regarding a contract on hunting a white dragon. This immediately raises suspicions and the guards escort them to a private room, where they are soon joined by Major Lail. He asks them what is their game? Raphael covers the group’s activities and Tal’Dorei Council Credentials, but these are dismissed. On mention of them hunting a White Dragon, the Major tenses up and rebuffs them from taking the contract on.   Arthur’s patience fails him again, and he calls on the Major to just stop. They know about the Dragon and the missing squad, and Raphael manages to persuade the Major that telling them the truth will help them to rescue them. The Major relents, he shares that the mages of Syngorn needed a substance from the dragon or it’s hoard to power the Threshold Crests that transport the city to the Feywild, in order to protect itself from the threat posed by the unleashing of Tharizdun.   A secret mission was attempted, a squad of soldiers which included Captain Daad and Merellian, was sent to the Dragon’s lair. They failed and they were captured by the Dragon, the Major was the only survivor as the Dragon threatened to kill the entombed soldiers if the Major or any other forces came back to his lair.   Major Lail gives the party directions to the lair, a landing spot they could fly to and travel on foot to the cave. There is a frozen waterfall with supplies if they need it. He lets them leave and askes them to do whatever they can to bring his soldiers back.   The party spend the remainder of the 12th and the 13th to gather supplies in preparation for their encounter with a White Dragon. Raven gets 2 potions of cold resistance for him and Simeon, as well as a superior healing potion. Raphael purchases 3 potions of heroism for him, Raven and Simeon, and helps Orlando find a potion of speed. The group also find some Thermal Cubes to help melt the ice around the soldiers and any potential buried treasure!   14th – 15th Brussendar   Kalcyra and the Storms Call arrive in the morning as promised, she apologises in advance that the new modifications aren’t fully operational just yet, so this journey is a bit of a test run. Kalcyra gifts the Unbroken with tokens of feather fall, new health and safety measure!   Their travels across the mountains are less eventful than their previous journey, and they arrive at the landing zone in the early dark hours (3am) of the 15th. The Unbroken jump from the skyship at high altitude, Arthur deftly times his feather fall for the party to safely land.   However as soon as they land, they hear a low growl across the soft whistles of the frigid air…

Report Date
17 Jan 2023

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