Session 37: The Lord of the Hunt

General Summary

2nd Horisal 836PD   After a brutal fight with the two remaining Savagers, the Unbroken investigated the area where the four members of the Grey Hunt had disappeared. Zenirith used cast detect magic and identified a tear in the planes, and through her experience in the weave correctly established it was a route to the Feywild. Aware of Queen Mab ’s warning, Raphael took on a previous identity of a rogue named 'Kyros Kalantir' fearing his allegiances would be the undoing of the group and himself once they crossed. Each of the Unbroken passed through the rift unscathed (just) and found themselves in the ethereal woodland wilds of the fey.    Tracking through the forest, the party came across an encampment of hunters, made up of elves, eladrin and shadow hounds with a leader, with antlers, pale green glowing eyes, carrying a spear covered in vines. The individual let him know he was the Lord of the Hunt. Upon some discussion he made it clear that the four missing from the Grey Hunt had been taken by him and given the choice to join the Wild Hunt or become prey. He offered a deal to give the Unbroken one day to hunt a Fomorian named Cachalain, and if they succeeded, they would earn their freedom but failure would mean joining the hunt.    Given the choice to either join the hunt or be prey, this was a choice that was too rich for many in the party, those who would not wish to be in servitude and bound by oaths. Instead, the Unbroken countered the Lord of the Hunt that should they fail, they would also have the choice to make peace with their gods and become prey instead. The Lord of the Hunt was not fully swayed but agreed on the condition of a separate agreement with Enessa. The terms agreed that if she killed a corrupted Druid of the Old Ways accompanying Cachalain and retrieved his talisman she would receive a bow and owe three favours, but fail and she and Ussi would join the Hunt...   Linked Journals

Report Date
18 May 2021

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