Session 21: The Lady and the Expositor

General Summary

28th Cuersaar 835PD   Arin, Ceri and Orlando meet with Kursk, chief of staff to the Margrave, who is currently away. They inform Kursk of the situation with the Myriad and the Pennertons, but no help can be provided without proof due to the constrained resources of the shields fighting ravagers, led by a particular brute known as Kardar. A possible bounty to follow up if the bank job is a success. The other members start scoping out the bank, getting an internal view and noting some magic protection. That evening, an elven noblewoman "Lady Alycia" appears at the tavern asking to meet with Arin. She reveals herself to be Dalmar, Expositor of the Cobalt Soul, and was very disparaging about the Unbroken's attempted investigations, but relented to provide help upon hearing what evidence the Unbroken had found so far. Sabali stakes the bank at night and sees a late night suspicious delivery.   Linked Journals

Report Date
31 Jan 2021

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