Session 63: Another One Bites the Dust

General Summary

30th Dualahei 836PD   With lightning-fast reflexes Zeni unleashes a storm sphere at the hunting vampires, but more appear out of the rafters. Tarathiel burns the mass of predators with a fire ball, some burn away fried by fire and lightning. Enessa scarred by her deadly encounter with the hunters, cautiously stays back and slowly gains her confidence with each slaying shot she makes. Raphael, Sabali and Orlando take the brunt of the vampire assault. Orlando’s mist provides more hindrance than help in the tight aisles of the chapel. But Simeon’s divine spirits burn away the last of the vampires. Heavily wounded, and their resources running low the party arduously rally themselves for what else waits for them in the dark.   Continuing through the lair, a stone staircase leads to a final level, the party check a couple of rooms along a corridor that contain coffins. They stake the corpses that appeared dead to thin out a potential attack. At the end of the corridor is a chamber, centred with a pool of blood, and the Lady Davorin expecting the Unbroken. Unbowed by the Unbroken’s threats and news of the death of Lord Davorin, another husband can be found, her Ladyship plays no games and before the party can draw their weapons, she summons a black void of slimy stinging tentacles to surround them. Orlando breaks free and aims his shot with a rune infused Bayou, but the dark blood in the Vampire Lady’s arms pulse and burst through her dried veins to block the shot.   As the others scramble out of hungry arms of the void, Simeon dispels them away. With the darkness lifted the party come face to face with several zombies, pouring from the rooms they entered before, some with wooden stakes hanging out of their body!   Tarathiel calls on the last of her songs of the blade, but her Ladyship makes a calling of her own, pulling the blood from Tarathiel’s open wounds to sustain her. Sabali and Enessa unload sword strikes and arrows, but with every assault and strike the vampire targets the weak to pull them closer to death and herself to life. The horde of zombies comes in waves, surrounding Sehanine’s Cleric, he calls on the white light of the Moon, destroying over half of the undead. But every blow from the zombie, brings him and ergo the party closer to death.   Tarathiel turns invisible and joins Raphael and Sabali in melee with Lady Davorin in the pool of blood. Feeling there isn’t fair play with the number against her, the Vampire locks eyes with Sabali and his will fails him as with every move of her hand, his body moves like a puppet on a string. He follows his Lady’s command to ‘deal’ with the invisible bladesinger.   It is a war of attrition, every wound done to her Ladyship is undone and returned back onto the Unbroken with her calls of the blood. The undead hordes slam down upon Simeon and Zeni, Simeon calls upon Sehanine’s sanctuary but it will not hold. The tide is against the Unbroken, will they finally break?   With the last breathes of their bodies, they pull together and make what could be their final stand. Enessa calls on the healing spirit of her gloomstalker, to bolster Simeon. Zeni thwarted by the resilience of the Vampire against her magic, channels the deep storm within her and the purple marks along her arms jet out several missiles that pound down the vampire. Lady Davorin tries to syphon Zeni’s blood to her aid, but the arcane fury that flows through Zeni’s veins blocks her calls.   Raphael staggering on his feet, braces himself and pulls the cold and darkness of the room into Frostweaver and smites the Vampire with the power of winter. The dark rotten blood slushies out of the growing wounds of the Lady of the Night. From the puffing black smoke that surrounds Orlando, his final salvo breaks the Lady’s form into a crimson mist that creeps in desperation back to its crypt.   Simeon holds his sunburst pendant, and the bright light of dawn burns down through into this deep and dark chamber. The mist is evaporated away into fine dust, the boiling vapour and the damned soul it holds scream throughout the chamber. The relentless horde crumbles away with their Lady.   The Unbroken stand bloodied, but victorious!   The Unbroken avoid a TPK and reach Level 10!

Report Date
14 Dec 2021

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