Session 54: Scuffle at the Scar

General Summary

17 Misuthar 836PD   The party leave the uncooperative Lord Merritt, suspicious of him Zeni uses her arcane eye to spy on him. She sees him sending to someone, and then surveys the Keep for its defences as well, Zeni sees the Lord conversing with another individual and can read from their lips the words of 'Stone' and 'Scar'. Lord Merritt is then seen casting an unknown evocation spell from their book. The Keep prepares itself, as if expecting an attack.   The party travel to the Scar of the Cinder King, anticipating a potential trap and looking to use it as evidence of the Lord's wrong doing. They enter a cavern, avoiding the lumber cinderslag elementals roaming the scar. They manage to get the jump on a Fire Giant that had come through one of two open portals, Zeni's hypnotic pattern keeping it at bay as the rest of the party fight off fire elementals. Simeon expends a lot of his magic to close the portals and stops a third stone from opening by closing it in its box.   With members of the party very badly burnt by the elementals, they take their time to heal and prep before the spell wears off the giant. The fire giant takes a devastating salvo, but holds strong and before it finally falls it knocks fatal blows to Raphael and Sabali, rendering unconscious. Tarathiel proved themselves a valuable and competent ally in combat, dealing the killing blow with a booming blade to the giant’s throat.   With the giant slain, the party heal up Raph and Sabali from their unconscious state and take a moment to prepare their next move…

Report Date
21 Sep 2021

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