Session 152: In Isolation

General Summary

24th Sydenstar 836PD   With the news of the failed assault on the Tower of Isolation, and hearing the mood of the city is on the brink of violent self-destruction. Arthur persuades the rest of the party to save the city, as they now realise that was Treacy’s true plan, to isolate them away in their duty to guard the Platinum Shackle.   Through Simeon’s Commune with the Moon-Weaver, and Vord’s reports on the ground, the party learns that Treacy has taken over one of the city’s key defences, a Tower of Isolation. Which can be turned to fire upon the city, further sending it into chaos and fear, and its top weaponry is protected by an abnormally prolonged Prismatic Wall.   The Commune also suggested that the 'Mass Enchantment' that Treacy triggered on the city, has grown to become self-sustaining, becoming more powerful than what Treacy could cast or control.   The party ready themselves and take the fight directly to the Tower. They fight their way through the Shadow Horrors and Shadow Assassins that guard the bridge to the Tower. With the entry doors locked, the group magically travel up to the top of the Tower, avoiding any waiting forces below. But as they reach the stairwell to the top, a markedly deranged Treacy boasts through the Prismatic Dome into their minds about his new power...

Report Date
20 Feb 2024

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