Session 64: Laying the Groundwork

General Summary

30th Dualahei - 4th Thunsheer 836PD   30th Dualahei   The foul parasites of undeath that had bled this city were now ash. The Unbroken weary from what was nearly their final stand, investigate the Vampire’s Lair. They find over 21,000 worth of gold, a Heward’s Handy Haversack, a potion of Frost Giant Strength and a Ring of Spell Storing. Zeni finds two notes, a note on fresh paper detailing the notes of Dariuz Kinnair, a mage of note from history, stating that Frostweaver’s nature to ensnare/create/control/embody winter. Dariuz considers Karkematth, the previous owner of Frostweaver before Raphael, prideful and it would be his undoing. Faint question on page- ‘Is he the Hollow Man?' The second note is much older, it details that one of the Seven chains that anchor the Chain Oblivion is located somewhere within the Stormcrest Mountains, that could be reached through the Frostweald. The place where Raphael first woke up.   The party report back to Palmer’s assistant Jinarth and Capt. Max of the city guards. They ask them to find and capture the Davorin’s assistants, Davorak and Keledonia. The Unbroken donate a portion of the loot to support the victims of the vampires, providing them some renown throughout the city. They return to the Cinderscar Keep, Orlando drops off Lord Davorin’s Ring of protection against sunlight to Gilmore. Gilmore is grateful and offers to help Orlando with his project to enchant Bayou.   1st Thunsheer   The party start a week of downtime. Over breakfast at the Keep, Raphael shares his concerns with Enessa over the note found at the Davorin’s. Enessa tries to comfort him on his worries of the hollow man, but Raph does feel different, colder even, since he called on the powers of Frostweaver against Lady Davorin.   Jinarth arrives to report back on finding the vampire’s assistants, both of them had escaped for now. She strongly refuses to hear the information on the Chain Oblivion note found! But in the security of Zeni’s tiny hut, she has good news that some recent leads have been found in regards to the Lock Breaker. A low-level snitch called Matches, and a high society elven woman, Kathilia, have been found to be contacts that went between Davorin and the Lock Breaker. Kathilia had a link to residuum as well. Building trust between them, Jinarth shares her Changeling nature, and hints that Palmer’s mission is find another anchor that’s possibly in Vasselheim.   The group decide that next steps will be to lay the ground work, to try and get ahead of the Lock Breaker in finding the Anchors, and get whatever help and knowledge they can to protect, trap or repair them. Jinarth will investigate the leads she found.   With the possibility of another long adventure, Zeni can’t face delaying again her mission to try and find Pallius. Simeon helps her to scry on him through the ring of spell storing, and she sees Pallius, alone, beaten and bedraggled in a cell. A large goliath, the Plank King of Darktow, visits and torments Pallius that he is his prisoner until Drakkar arrives on the Full Moon (17th Thunseer) to pay and get him back. With the clock ticking to save Pallius, Zeni sends to Captain Kalcyra of the Storm’s Call and is able to procure their help and the airship which will take a week (8th) to meet them in Syngorn.   The Unbroken will spend a couple of days in Emon, sorting out affairs, getting supplies, finishing spells. Tarathiel will use their new spell to teleport from Allura’s circle to Syngorn, the neighbouring city to the Stormcrest Mountains. They will talk with the authorities there to try to find out more about the mountains and Frostweald, potentially trying to find the anchor before they take the airship to Darktow, which will take approx. 6 days.   Zeni and Raph send to Arin, he’ll try to help with info on Stormcrest but they are struggling with what they suspect is a broken Anchor on Wildemount. Enessa goes into the city to talk to religious researcher, Seer Gloria Ios, to find a solution to Lolth’s claim on her soul. The Seer tells her to find help from the followers of Corellon, the Arch Heart, and by a twist of fate or just coincidence, Syngorn is where she should go to find answers.   4th Thunsheer   After the groups few days of downtime, they arrive at Allura’s but are stopped at the door by a halfing woman, Lady Kima, the Platinum Paladin of Bahamut and Lady Allura’s wife. A short intense conversation follows of Kima trying to find out more about their mission, and stress to try to keep Allura out of any trouble they find. But she wishes them well, and is glad to hear Ceri is helping back in Vasselheim. Tarathiel starts to give a bit of background on her home Syngorn before Allura’s teleportation circle activates and they vanish.   Linked Journals

Report Date
11 Jan 2022

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