Session 72: The Duel

General Summary

21st-24th Thunsheer 836PD   21st Thunsheer   As the Redemption sails back to Darktow, Zeni prearranges with Bilbe for a ship to guide them back through the reefs to the Isle. Simeon steers the ship through but takes heavy damage along the hull that would require nearly a month of repairs. As the boat comes into the docks, Zeni spots the familiar figure of Captain Drakkar waiting on the dock. Zeni and Drakkar have tense words on what she’s doing, but Zeni rebuffs him that the Plank King has hired them. He tries to intimidate and block their path off, but Zeni and the Unbroken walk past him, paying little mind to him.   As the group walk through the streets of Darktow to the Throne Room, the crowd gather and whisper the stories of their adventure to the Diver’s Grave and Dashilla. Raphael uses his diseased appearance to unsettle Drakkar, subtly casting hex on him to hinder whatever charisma he has to make any case to the Plank King. The Plank King welcomes the parties to his throne room, him and Bilbe impressed with the Unbroken’s success. Drakkar puts his case that he has the original 10k gold and extra 5k gold to sweeten his deal, and the Unbroken have the crystal. The Plank King sees the tension of the two parties and the two claims, and is open to a suggestion to resolve. Drakkar tries to set his case but Raph’s hex undermines his words. Zeni infers a duel could be a way to resolve and the Plank King agrees. Drakkar and Zeni will fight in ‘the pit’ at sundown.   The terms are two go in, one comes out. Take whatever you have in, but no outside interference. No cheating- but’s its only cheating if get caught! Bilbe will be observing to prevent outside interference. The party help prep Zeni, Simeon and Orlando blessing her with various magics: water breathing, Aid, death ward, protection from poison, enhance ability to take the initiative, shield of Orlando’s faith and a warding bond between Zeni and Orlando. Zeni is reluctant at first, wanting to ‘feel’ everything to not cheapen her experience but the group convince her that it’s likely Drakkar would be well prepped as well and she agrees.   Sundown, the pit is a gladiatorial arena with a raging stream of water running underneath. With the drop of a handkerchief bloodied by each duellist, the fight begins! Drakkar pulls out his rapier of certain death and dagger of poison and charges at Zeni, but the magical protections deflect his strikes. Zeni retorts with a full powered lightning bolt which Drakkar fails to dodge. However, the pirate captain’s blade finds it’s point, and the wound carries over too much for Orlando to fail maintaining his concentration to shield Zeni with his faith.   With her defences lowered, Zeni moves with the inherent tempestuous magic to fly around and mock Drakkar. This cowardly display dampens the audiences’ cheers for Zeni, and she lowers down to burn Drakkar through her hands. The duel continues for several rounds, with them both whittling each other down with blades and bolts, until Zeni uses the horn crafted by Orlando that held a lightning rune of defence. The rune shocks Drakkar and the magic provides perfect cover for Raph to subtly hold Drakkar in paralysis with his magic.   Zeni continues to channel more lightning bolts through the horn, screaming with every bolt, crisping Drakkars body even further with a ferocious fire orb. The charred captain stumbles through the flames, he stands…just! His burned body weakens his blows, and with the permission of the Plank King, Zeni deals the final blow. She stabs the horn into his head, and her grasp sends shocks straight through Drakkar’s body. The foul pirate captain Drakkar falls dead at her feet, a moment of silence that is broken with the claps of the Plank King and the cheers of the crowd!   Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Raphael and Orlando settle the terms of the deal that Zeni had won for them. The Plank King will take the WildHammer, its crew, Drakkar’s 15k gold and the Crystal. Raph manages to make a final push to secure the freedom of any slaves on the Wildhammer, and they ensure that the Unbroken, the former slaves and the Redemption are under the protections and obligations of the Revelry.   Whilst the crowds cheer, Zeni is still stabbing Drakkar’s corpse and begins sobbing. Sabali and the party head down to comfort her. She takes his weapons, all of them, and kicks his mutilated body into the stream of the pit. They go back to the ship, with Pallius free and waiting for her. They both settle for the night, Zeni taking time to process everything.   The Redemption’s bowsman Tact, shares that they and the crew don’t trust the Plank King and the Revelry, and won’t feel safe if the Unbroken leave before the ship is repaired. Despite its poor condition, the group risk taking it out to sea, and plot a course for nearest port of Brokenbank, 3 days travel away.   21-24th Thunsheer   The Redemption survives its travels to Brokenbank, and over the days the Unbroken feel the benefits of their experiences. Simeon’s prays are answered and he’s granted the power to heal Raphael of the Aboleth’s disease.   The Unbroken reach level 11!

Report Date
08 Mar 2022

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