Session 43: Demons of the Past and Present

General Summary

10-11th Horisal 836PD   The group hashed out a deep conversation with Sabali, expressing their concern for him and their concern at the situation, ultimately accepting to continue travelling together, but resolving that getting to the bottom of the Shade temple was important. They shared their secrets as a group addressing: Enessa shared that her family in Wildemount were secret worshippers of Lolth and that she bore a tattoo that expressed she was ‘promised’ to the Spider Queen, but this was the key reason she ran. Ceri & Orlando’s research into any ‘Fey war’ that Raphael referred to Wind shared Pick’s information on men searching for ‘Kyros’ in Westruun Zeni & Raphael’s research into the Hollow Man and the connection to Raphael through Eva’s Dream Ceridwen left prior to this for some reflection.   In the night/early am 11th Horisal:   In the night, Orlando went to see if he could find Ceri, but instead heard the soft ‘ting’ of a hammer indicating that Moradin was watching over him and that provided him some comfort. Enessa had the same dream again with the quiver whispering to her. Raphael found himself in a dream where he directly communicated with Mab, and discussed the history of the Shade temple and Feng Li as a servant to the Raven Queen, the resonance stones causing rifts, the Lord of the Hunt, and finally that he should figure out what the Hollow man is.   The party were awoken by the screams of Eva having a premonition. She claimed she could see blood, and demons attacking through a rift near the woodpecker tavern. Zeni sent a sending message to   Combat:   Simeon cast dispel magic on one of the rifts, closing it before more demons could escape. However three demons ripped through a rift tear, a balgura, glabrezu and maw demon.   Sabali jumped down from roof, and cast darkness on himself, with Simeon casting spirit guardians.   The demons sadly had blindsight and the Balgura rains down blows on Sabali. The glabrezu casts power word stun on Simeon. Wind ducking from behind a tree critically shoots the Balgura.   The glabrezu viciously pincers Simeon and Orlando, proceeding to knock Simeon unconscious.   Wind critically stabs the glabrezu and Enessa delivers the final shot.   After the fight:   Approaching the group an Elven female, slightly built, 5’5/6, with stiff movement to them and carries a cane. She has slightly silvered hair and their garb is a little old-fashioned. Introduced to the Unbroken as Tarathiel Saltris, she explained that they had been sent by Arin and Dalmar to assist the Unbroken.   The party looked for a resonance stone and found just a scorch mark where it was presumed to be consumed in the summoning.   Zeni casts detect magic – saw that death’s whisper gave off powerful magic, bayou is also now giving off a magic glow, but no further information as forthcoming.   It was at this point the party realised this wasn’t the only rift that had opened, in the town and continued the fighting until dawn, working with the townsfolk and pale guard to protect people and fight off the demons.   The Unbroken caught sight of Ceri, assisting in the fighting and were reassured she was alive.   Sabali ripped through a maw demon to save an elderly woman, and Orlando performed his patented ‘point-blank’ shot.   Once the last demon was slain, the Unbroken went to find Jareth, and the de Rolos, relaying the information they had, they discussed the resonance stone and the potential that someone has used the stones for a targeted attack. Potentially linking the rift to the Feywild in the Parchwood and the Abyssal rift opened last night…   Linked Journals

Report Date
29 Jun 2021

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