Session 80: See Right Through

General Summary

9th Unndilar 836PD   The party clumsily put things disturbed in the Townhouse back in place, but make a better job of stealthing. An invisible Raphael climbs down a rope and distracts a guard allowing others to come down. The Party head back to Keep, but stop just outside on the road back to discuss what they learnt on Palmer as the Lock-Breaker under Zeni’s tiny hut. They try to decide on who can they share this info with, deciding only Allura to trust and can't trust Jinarth yet as they are too close to Palmer even if they did give the lead that compromised his identity. They decide they will try to play down success at townhouse and leak some false info to see if it attracts Palmer.   They sleep and in morning, Raph and Simeon go to see Jinarth, Zeni and Orlando go to see Allura. Raph and Simeon meet Jinarth at Laughing Lamia, Raph deceives Jinarth that they had no lead at townhouse and shares the 'info' that got a lead on protecting shackles, Jinarth impressed but is concerned as she can't get in contact with Palmer to share info. She stresses that he’s been out of contact too long.   Over at Allura's tower, Zeni and Orlando meet her at bottom of tower and sit to discuss, sharing info on Palmer being Lock-Breaker. They appear genuinely surprised, but over conversation Allura slips about Lock-Breaker summoning demons which neither Orlando/Zeni mentioned. Orlando twigs this and soon notices, the slight hollow appearance within Allura, as the same Project Image used by Karkematth in the Frostweald.   With the ruse exposed, Palmer projects himself. He tries to lie about Allura, Jinarth and other Unbroken contacts being in on it, but Orlando continues to see right through him and his lies. Palmer monologues on the need for oblivion to wipe creation clean, start again, and be no longer playthings of the Gods. He slips that he doesn't need to break all the shackles, just weaken enough of them. Zeni subtle sends to Simeon to share Palmer knows and for them to come to tower. They race over, but Palmer drops the image just as they arrive and the actual Allura wakes up from upstairs.   Zeni and Orlando relay what happened and revelation of Palmer, Allura sends for some guards to secure Palmer’s room and the townhouse, and will convene a war council this evening. Quill, Sabali and Krak have spent the day rearranging the Keep's furniture, and indulging in large sandwiches!   At the council, all decide on next steps. New Master of Information Seeker Odessa Tal'Dorei, shares from what current analysis of Palmers notes that he was looking for 4 artifacts (shackles) and did not know where they were. Odessa asks for time to continue to review Palmer’s notes, understand his network and also how to lay a trap for him.   Unbroken and council agree not to share too much info on what known of Shackles and locations, but Allura shares from her initial research that a way to repair the shackles would be found at the World Anvil, the holy site of Moradin where great creations were made. Vex and Percy share they visited an anvil site for the trammels, but the location and entrance changes. Dierdrik Greyspine, Kraghammer ambassador will support the group to meet with their high clerics to find out more on the World Anvil.   The Council offer reward of 10,000 gold to capture Lock-Breaker alive (or dead for 9,999 gold). Raph raises as separate issue of the Ravagers, Master of Defense, Guardian Tofor Brotoras understands the challenge but resources are strained in Westruun to defend. After council meeting, the party decide the next move for themselves. If Lock-Breaker doesn’t know the same info as they do on shackles, he could be using the Ravagers to attack Westruun so that he can get info from the Cobalt Reserve.   The Party send to Luvak, the orc spy they made in the Frostweald, and find out that Kardar is back at old base in the Dividing Plains where the Unbroken originally fought (and ran away). He is organising a war council in several days, just enough time for the Unbroken to travel and try to intercept and strike them. Luvak relays that no-one of Palmer's description or the tiefling Lock-Breaker guise has been seen at the camp, suggesting Palmer either hasn't gone to the ravagers yet or could be under different disguise.   The Unbroken reach level 12!

Report Date
17 May 2022

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