Session 155: The State of War

General Summary

32nd Sydenstar-2nd Fessuran 836PD   The Unbroken receive a missive to attend an urgent Tal’Dorei Council meeting. They arrive to find a full War Council led by Lady Kima, where they provide a debrief of their experiences in Vasselheim. Kima informs the Unbroken that on the evening when the party lost contact with their spies, a large Obsidian Fortress instantly appeared at the front of enemy territory.   The Fortress acts as Private Sanctum, preventing magics such as divination and Raph’s Dreams from targeting its forces. It has been cementing Karkematth’s position at the bridge over the Byhills River. The combined forces of all the Tal’Dorei states have managed to hold back the enemy there.   However, a Shadowy Storm, larger than the one that nearly destroyed Vasselheim, has erupted over the lands. But it’s creating an aura of fear, which is preventing the allied forces from advancing and so the two sides have been at a stalemate over the last few days.   Arcanist Allura points to Seven sites on the Tal’Dorei map, that form the Chained symbol of Tharizdun, as the ritual source of the Fear Storm and potentially as a way of summoning the Aspect. The Council ask the Unbroken to infiltrate the site closest to the allied forces and disrupt the ritual enough so that their armies can advance without fear.   The Unbroken embark on one last adventure on their skyship, the Storms Call, with Allura and Kima joining for support. Travelling over the next day and a half, the ship manages to navigate through the worst of the Shadow Storm and drop the group close to their target site, the Temple of the Elements.   Sabali wisps some of the Storm Shadow to stealthily cover the party’s ascent to the Temple site. There they find several dead bodies of the Temple’s protectors, and as they inspect the central Temple, a gargantuan stone Guardian, corrupted by the Oblivion’s Void, strikes out at the Unbroken.

Report Date
12 Mar 2024

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