Session 31: Dead End

General Summary

11 - 13th Duscar 835PD   Raphael dispells the magic that spikes the ground around Sabali and the party, and orders everyone to retreat. Out of the underground base, Zeni places a cloud of fog that covers the entire ravager camp greatly aiding the party's escape and hindering Kardar and his forces to pursue them. The Unbroken camp after a long escape, humbled by their encounter with the Slaughter Lord Kardar, and seek to make themselves stronger. Arriving back in Westruun, they update Cpt. Rance on Kardar's forces and location, but is concerned when informed that Kardar is referred to as a Slaughter Lord. This is the first Slaughter Lord seen in these parts for 15 years, and would be 1 of 3 active across all of Tal'Dorei. What forces could be causing the ravagers and lords to be more active and coordinated?   Also checking in on the Kursk investigation. Arin casts Speak with Dead on Kursk, confirming that he was working with the Clasp. Mainly as an inside man for the Clasp, with Draygon being his handler. All he saw of his killer was someone grinning, wearing dark clothes with a red sash. Sabali recalls a story from his temple of a lone assassin that left the order, Suke Pugoto. Whoever this assassin is and whatever their reasons is a mystery that the Unbroken would still have to solve in time.   Linked Journals

Report Date
06 Apr 2021

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