Session 58: Vampire Hunting

General Summary

27th-28th Dualahei 836PD   Orlando attempts to make silencer for gun which succeeds and he makes a superior silencer.   Enessa formulates a ‘Master plan’ to bait the vampire and tag it with hunter’s mark in order to locate the vampire lair. The group will have Raphael disguise himself and wander the streets with the party waiting, hidden in ambush. If the vampire attempts to attack him, the group will attack and overwhelm the vampire, forcing it to flee. Enessa will cast hunter’s mark and the group will track the vampire back to its lair.   Before they execute this plan, at midday, the group carefully make their way to Gilmore’s glorious goods. Orlando arrived earlier to learn some crafting/enchanting from Gilmore. On route, Simeon notices a darkly clothed individual, who spots the group and quickly vanish into the crowd. The party may be being watched but arrive at Gilmore’s without any trouble.   Simeon enquires whether he can purchase a sunburst pendant. Gilmore directs him to a local jeweller, who might be able to help. Simeon later heads out and purchases the necessary pendant which he hopes will work.   Raphael asks Gilmore if he has any rings which look like the rings he enchanted with ‘protection from daylight’, so that the party can see what they might look like and be able to locate the one he sold to the vampire. Gilmore explains that he enchants various rings depending on the requested style but describes the ring he sold and shows the group rings which look similar.   The group decide to walk from the lower slum to the inner city towards Martha’s Rest, casting locate object to search for a ring which matches the description. Nothing alerts Simeon to the presence of a matching ring throughout the journey. Meanwhile Enessa scouts a nice spot for an ambush in the lower slums for her plan. The party also scopes out Martha’s Rest which is a grotty looking building. They decide to enter the pub and have a look around. They are met by a drow behind the bar. Raphael asks to speak to Devarak the goliath. The drow seems to be pretending not to know who he is talking about. The party settles down for a drink and waits to see if anyone shows up.   Enessa speaks to the drow and casually asks about his past. Raphael then asks whether there are any fights tonight, which puts the drow on edge. But with some clever signals in Thieves cant, the drow believes he is looking to gamble on the underground fighting. There may be a fight in a few days which the party can watch or maybe enter a fighter to participate. A bribe is suggested.   The party exit, and leave Emon overtly, but quietly and sneakily return to the prearranged ambush spot using pass without trace. The party find themselves in a fairly run-down area of lower inkwell and wait in hiding for night to fall. Raphael disguises himself as a confused drunk human with a bad injury to his arm, cutting himself slightly to release the scent of blood.   Some guards approach and engage Raphael in conversation. He introduces himself as ‘Jeremy Hightower’, quickly removes the bloodied illusion and stops pretending to be drunk. They are concerned for his safety, but he convinces them to move on and politely assures them he is fine. They tell him they will return to check on him. They return 45minutes later, but Raphael is hidden and they do not notice any of the party waiting in ambush.   While waiting for the vampires, it becomes apparent that the plan to ambush has failed, and a group of Hunter Vampires suddenly attack Sabali and Enessa from out of the darkness without warning. 3 Vampires pounce on Sabali and 2 of them sink their teeth into his neck. Another 3 pounce on Enessa, slashing and biting her too.   A fight erupts. Sabali shadow steps out of danger and the group jump to Enessa’s aid, but were too late. The vampires have drained her of all life and she lies motionless on a small hut where she was initially hiding. The vampires flee but Sabali dashes and manages to grapple one of the vampires using the chain of his Kyoketsu- Shoge weapon. Dangling from the edge of the small hut, held in place with chains by Sabali the group unleash a barrage of attacks. Knowing Enessa could be revived but is running out of time, Sabali abandons the vampire and grabs Enessa, running her as quickly as possible to Simeon so he can attempt to revive her. Raphael evaporates the vampire with a mighty Eldritch blast and the group turn to Simeon who is standing over Enessa’s body beginning the revivify ritual.   Simeon attempts to revivify Enessa’s corpse and gently blows magical essence into her lungs. When all seems lost, she bursts into life and is back with the group but a little shaken up.   Both Sabali and Enessa are looking very drained of energy from the attack, however the party decide they must attempt to track the vampires back to their lair. A quick round of healing to bolster the injured, and Enessa quickly resolves herself and begins to track them down. The group travel stealthily for hours, following Enessa who refuses to lose their target. The trail leads all the way into Emon, through the city to the Temple district where the trail runs cold. Simeon then uses locate object to seek out the ring of protection from daylight which was sold to the vampire, and they wander the district in search of a sign. There is a faint signal that the ring is nearby on the northern edge of the district. At this, the party retreat, and sneak their way back to their Keep to fight another day.

Report Date
26 Oct 2021

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