Session 44: Why did it have to be snakes?

General Summary

11th-14th Horisal 836PD   CERIDWEN returns to the inn, and to the party, but without her paladin regalia. The party discusses the best options for EVA. It is agreed that she should remain in Whitestone, and she acquiesces in that plan, following persuasion from ZENI and SABALI.   RAPHAEL offers to instruct MOONFLAKE to watch over her. This offer is accepted.   ORLANDO and CERIDWEN discuss her decision to travel as a common knight and not as a paladin.   RAPHAEL reveals that he had a dream of MAB, in which she told him that the Shade Temple had been established by one LI FENG, a follower of the RAVEN QUEEN, but had lately fallen into corruption of some sort.   CERIDWEN attempts to persuade SABALI to also remain behind with EVA. This is unsuccessful, but SABALI agrees to try to be more thoughtful going forward. TARATHIEL agrees to remain with EVA, to protect her and to try to learn more about her visions, together with TIMEON.   The discussion is interrupted by LORD PERCY, who rescinds the previous conditionality attached to the release of SABALI, and makes a little speech about his own history and the importance of party unity.   ORLANDO and LORD PERCY discuss possible improvements to bayou and to ORLANDO’s prosthetic hand.   SABALI covertly presents WIND with 800gp, the ill-gotten gains of his crimes in Westruun. She is pleased to accept the gift.   Everyone goes shopping. SABALI collects the ninja whip which he does not yet know how to use. CERIDWEN and WIND look at expensive adamantine armour which CERIDWEN declines to order because she cannot afford it. Without her knowledge, WIND returns to GARDAIN’s forge and orders on her behalf, and SABALI also offers to contribute.   CERIDWEN speaks with TIMEON and asks him to research the HOLLOW MAN.   It is discovered that the dock where we will catch the boat to Drynna is 28 hours march away. General displeasure at this revelation is mitigated by the fact that we can take wagons etc to speed it up.   We set out for the dock, accompanied by soldiers of the Pale Guard and one CAVENDISH, a member of the Grey Hunt.   We travel for the remainder of the day and make camp. Early the next morning, CERIDWEN discovers strange tracks in the snow and wakes ENESSA to inspect them. ENESSA and CAVENDISH identify the tracks as belonging to Yuan-Ti, at least six individuals. CAVENDISH is discomforted by this discovery, and we resolve to breakfast swiftly and move on without delay.   ZENI has a new familiar, a blue macaw named HYACINTH.   We reach the docks without incident, arriving mid-morning, and are surprised to see the strength of the fortifications.   Once inside the wall (a wooden stockade) we find the DIVER’S FOLLY, a two masted ship which is loading cargo in preparation for departure to Drynna, and meet her Captain, one ROWAN IDRUN, a human male.   After questioning, CAPTAIN IDRUN reveals that the ship was attacked by Yuan-Ti on the incoming voyage, and that he is expecting trouble on the way back as well.   CAVENDISH tells us that the authorities in Whitestone are aware of increased Yuan-Ti activity, possibly related to the rediscovery of one of their temples, but had kept it secret so as not to create a panic. It is pointed out to him that this seems to be counterproductive at this point, and he agrees to pass on our comments to those in charge.   CERIDWEN considers what she knows about Yuan-Ti, and recounts some tales that she has heard about how they worship their gods purely from fear, and from a desire to gain sufficient power to displace them. Although this sounds ridiculous, we agree that, in a post-Vecna world, it cannot be dismissed out of hand.   IDRUN describes the Yuan-Ti attack. It was led by a single large individual, around 10-12 feet tall, with an entourage of smaller warriors. The helmsman reacted with uncharacteristic panic, and it was only with difficulty that the ship was able to manoeuvre well enough to escape. No attackers made it on board the craft at that time, but helmsman ROBBINS is still so badly affected that he will not come above deck.   In the course of this conversation, it is revealed in passing that the DIVER’S FOLLY was previously boarded by CAPTAIN DRAKKAR’s pirates, but escaped with only the loss of their cargo. ZENI and SABALI question IDRUN about when and where this occurred, but it was neither recent nor local.   ZENI and SIMEON offer to help prepare the ship for departure, and SABALI tags along.   CERIDWEN gives a rousing speech to the seamen not otherwise occupied, to shore up their resolve for the likely battle to come.   ENESSA goes to find ROBBINS and discovers him curled in his hammock, muttering over and over again that ‘it wasn’t real’. ENESSA tries to talk him out of it, but this fails, and so instead she fetches SIMEON, who casts lesser restoration, which is effective. ROBBINS returns to his senses and reports seeing visions of the ship overwhelmed by a kraken. We discuss the likely origins of this effect, and conclude that these Yuan-Ti may have some skill in spellcasting.   The Pale Guard and CAVENDISH depart for the return journey to Whitestone, together with our horses and wagon. They are nervous about making the trip, and ZENI sends to LORD PERCY to ask him to send a relief party to meet them part way in case they require reinforcement.   The sailors are also nervous as we depart the docks to make our way downriver. ENESSA befriends a cabin boy named ALFIE.   We have not been underway long when the ship strikes a large rock which has been placed in the centre of the river. We all feel the impact, but no-one loses their footing. As we begin to assess the damage, we can hear the sound of many voices in the trees....

Report Date
06 Jul 2021

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