Session 47: Set Sail to Stilben

General Summary

17th-20th Horisal 836PD   Setting off at dawn, the first few days aboard the Storm's Call are safe sailing. Captain Kalcyra and Zeni bond, over their shared history with Captain Drakkar. Kalcyra had sailed as a pirate on the sister ship to Drakkar’s Wildehammer, the Dragon’s Corruption. But left when they started dealing in slaves. The following day they sail out in a different direction to avoid the route with pirates, but end up in the sights of the dreaded Dragon's Corruption and Pirate Captain Clayton. The Unbroken and Storm's Call attempt to outrun, but are soon outgunned by the pirate warship's deadly cannons. They are now adrift at sea with no sails, and the pirates are closing in on them ready to board…

Report Date
27 Jul 2021

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