Session 74: The Clone in the Stone

General Summary

28th Thunsheer - 2nd Unndilar 836PD   28th Thunsheer   Raphael starts digging into the disturbed mound of earth and he finds a stone container, large enough to hold a person, underneath. Orlando and Zeni determine it is a component in a high-level necromantic spell, and that the 12 mounds give off live necromantic energy, whilst the 13th is now inert. Simeon casts forbiddance on the area, also preventing fey and undead. Entering the cave of Frostweaver's Rest, which has similar abjuration protection, the group see frozen statues of multiple people, elves, humans all those deemed unworthy by Frostweaver.   Raph finds by the chest where he picked up Frostweaver, a sending stone and a note addressed to Raph's previous pseudonym 'Kryos Kalantir'. He messages to whom is he speaking to, and a few seconds later Karkematth appears as an illusion in the cave. Karkematth is intrigued by Raph, how he was chosen by the sword, and reveals that Raph is one of 13 clones that are buried outside, which was one of his contingencies to escape death. But he is unsure how he come to his own life. He has theories, but not certain how his clones outside had been transported to the Frostweald as well. The tense and guarded exchange continues, and Karkematth while he wishes no ill on them, he warns that he has powerful enemies and Raph could be a target with mistaken identity. Raph and the Unbroken leave the illusion. Raph then starts destroying the other bodies in the graves, through his clone catharsis, he suggests they move onto finding the Cavern of Axiom.   Over 5 days of travel, heading south to the mountains, they encounter nothing but the merciless cold of the Frostweald, and an occasional obelisk with markings of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor, suggesting they were getting closer.   2nd Unndilar   As they reach the base of the mountains, they search for an opening, which seems to be hidden with illusionary magic. Raph spots an Obelisk, and Simeon reads the celestial writing "Only those with a blessing of Ioun can learn more". Raph sends to Arin, and he suggests praying to Ioun. Simeon leads the group in prayer, praying to the god that was lost, Orlando's reflection of passing of knowledge for craft, Zeni pays tribute to the knowledge of arcane through her spell book, Sabali's connections to Feng Li manage to pass his charm through to Ioun. Raph makes a hushed offering to the obelisk; however, his secret offerings cause the expanding glow of the obelisk to soon fade.   A gnome, named Sprigg, the Steward of Ioun, suddenly appears, asking why they are searching for the cavern, they state their mission to prevent the shackles from being broken. He opens the cave, sensing that something wrong as the shackle weakening, and tells them that Kamalijori, the androsphinx who guards the Cavern will help them if they past his tests. The enter the cavern, following down a spiral staircase to a room with celestial writing “Knowledge dost billow, all realms are the shore. The sky a window, the water a door."   In the centre of the room is a pool of water. Simeon casts water breathing and they enter through the pool, it follows an underwater tunnel, but is covered in tendrils that grasps out and paralyze Orlando, Zeni and Raph as they try to move around it. Sabali manages to cut through the tendrils, saving Orlando and Zeni, Simeon restores their movement and they help to pull Raph out as they swim to other end of tunnel. In the second room, is nine walls, the first wall at front has a door, and the others 8 have small indents, there are 14 pictogram tiles. With detect magic, the group work out that the walls and pictograms correspond to each of the schools of magic and proceed to sort through matching each tile and door.   As they enter through the door, they find another puzzle awaits them...

Report Date
22 Mar 2022

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