Session 87: Sweet Home Kraghammer

General Summary

14-21st Unndilar 836PD   14-20th Unndilar   After shopping at Gilmore’s, the party rest up and take some downtime in Westruun. Expositor Elani can’t find any new information on the World Anvil or the Fey Courts, but their research does corroborate what the Unbroken have learned so far.   Orlando puts his new tool and time to use, recycling Simeon’s mithril armour and crafting two new guns (Thoughts and Prayers) to replace his well-worn Bayou and Folly. Gilmore helps him with enchanting the guns, and charging a new lightning rune. On the 18th he contacts his mother through sending to mark Moradin’s Holy Day, Deep Solace, and to let her know they’ll be coming back to Kraghammer soon.   Sabali spends the week training with an alchemist, his second of ten weeks needed to be proficient with alchemist tools.   21st Unndilar   With the Storms Call being upgraded, and no other direct route to Kraghammer, Gilmore teleports the Unbroken to Allura’s tower in Emon. They are greeted by Allura and her wife, Lady Kima, who both would have appreciated a heads up!   Raphael asks to have a private moment with Allura to question her on any knowledge she has about Karkematth. She has heard of him, and suspect that he will use his magic for dominance. She offers to use some of her contacts to do some investigating, and focus on where his tower or base could be located. The Unbroken head to the Council to update them on the defeat of the Ravagers and attack on Cobalt Reserve. Along the way, Lady Vex’ahila, joins them as being the Coin Mistress she heard of the party’s recent bountiful trip to Westruun, and pitches Whitestone as a safe investment. Simeon negotiates a deal to get 1,000gp worth of residuum as a starting investment.   At the Council, Ambassador Greyspine agrees to procure a public teleportation circle sigel to Kraghammer. Seeker Tal’Dorei is absent, but an update is provided on their behalf that some of Palmer’s spies have been located but several have escaped.   Jinarth, the Seeker’s changeling second in command, appears in disguise to speak privately with the Unbroken. They share that they’ve found some info on the Shackles, and that once enough are weakened or broken then ‘aspects’ of the Chained Oblivion can bypass the Divine Gate to materialise on the material plane. Jinarth agrees with the Unbroken to go deep undercover within the Lock-Breaker’s cultists, and Raphael will contact them in 2 weeks via Dream to check in on them (7th Brussendar).   The party go to Ambassador Greyspine’s office to collect the sigel and Zeni promptly starts the circle in the office. They arrive at the entrance of Kraghammer, and proceed to deceive their way through the custom officer’s questions of whether they are carrying any sentient evil items and poisons. Orlando gives some introductions on customs, the layout and where they will need to go to meet the High Cleric, the Master Crafter, of the All-Hammer’s Will in the Central Slab.   Simeon spots a place, the Stone Pillow, for the party to stop for Zeni to cast her telepathic bond for the party to be able to communicate secretly. (Un)fortunately the place is revealed to be a brothel, but Raphael’s charm gets them a room for time to cast spells to help with making their case to the Master Crafter.   The Unbroken arrive at the All-Hammer’s Will, where they encounter a female dwarf working at a forge. As they ask her about where to find the Master Crafter, she pulls each of them into helping with what she is forging. As the adamantine cools, it’s shape and its creator are revealed, as Jenthiel Boulderaxe, Master Crafter of Kraghammer introduces herself and blesses the freshly forged Holy Symbol of Moradin. The Ambassador had told her in advance of their mission and interest in finding the Moradin Shackle and World Anvil.   Before she reveals more, she asks with the Unbroken’s permission, to place them under a zone of truth and detect their thoughts. Satisfied with their sworn truth and honest intentions, Jenthiel reveals that the World Anvil is the Moradin Shackle, and is the lynchpin to all of the other shackles. A shackle of pure creation to hold eternal destruction at bay.   The World Anvil has faced three attempted demon attacks over the last year, and the location to where can access it has been moved to the Underdark for now. The Master Crafter and the Anvil can repair the other shackles, but it will take months or even years to repair just one.   Jenthiel forewarns the Unbroken of the threats they’ll face on their journey through the Underdark, aberrations such as Mind flayers / Illithid, that are colony of an Elder Brain, which do not know that the Anvil has been moved there. At the Anvil they will face and must prove themselves in combat against the ‘Guardian’ a construct of steel and fire. The Master Crafter presents the Holy Symbol just created to Orlando, it will act as the ‘key’ to access the Anvil and acts as an Amulet of the Devout +1.   Jenthiel asks what else can they as Master Crafter do to help with their preparations, anything they need that she can make or improve upon? She assesses Quill’s handaxes as excellent enchanted items but can not transfer the arcane properties of items, the Rod of Lordly Might remains unused and unsold with the Unbroken. She pulls some raw cobalt from her materials, clasps it in her hands and speaks a prayer that crafts them instantly into twenty cobalt bullets for Orlando.   Raphael asks about the Ruin’s Wake vestige they hold and how can it be destroyed, Jenthiel shares that many a vestige has been made at the World Anvil, and they can be unmade at the Anvil. The Master Crafter notices the Winter Knight’s blade, Frostweaver, and is able to hold it with no ill affect. She tells Raphael that the blade was one of the vestiges forged at the Anvil by the mortal who became the Raven Queen.

Report Date
12 Jul 2022

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