Session 69: Blood in the Water

General Summary

16th-18th Thunsheer 836PD   16th Thunsheer   Dawn at the docks, the Unbroken arrive to find a group of 20+ people. They look lost, dishevelled, these are the slaves that have been freed through the deal with the Plank King. Raphael, Simeon and Zeni address the group, and through discussion with Tact Haelstorm, a former bowsman, they offer those interested a skilled wage of 2 gold a day to help crew a ship to the Diver’s Grave. They are free people, and free to pass on the job and they would be compensated to leave Darktow. Most of the free group agree to crew the ship, which is soon revealed to be not in quite top condition.   With some quick repairs and a supply run, the newly christened Redemption, sets sail for the Diver’s Grave. Raif, the martial caster from the League of Miracles, acts as navigator to steer the ship through the dangerous Dragshallow Reefs. After navigating, he pulls out a spell scroll to teleport back to shore, but Zeni’s intimidating remarks hamper his casting. He waits some time, awkwardly quiet, and Bilbe teleports onto the ship to take him back.   17th Thunsheer   On the evening, the ship sails under the full moon, the night when Drakkar is due to arrive on Darktow. Raph asks Tact info about the Diver’s Grave, and Dashilla, he shares on the sailor stories of the ever-churning waters of the grave and the almost magical storms that send some many sailors down to be feasts for Dashilla.   18th Thunsheer   Steering the Redemption through the choppy waters of the Grave, the group prepare to dive in around the spot of where the Siren’s Breath was last seen. Simeon casts freedom of movement on himself and Sabali, to help him as he can’t swim and has been fearing this task all the time. With the water breathing cast, Zeni surprises Sabali and tackles him right off the ship. Sabali manages to pass through his initial panic although did scratch Zeni in retaliation.   The group dive down 800ft to the bottom, and see the ship wreck, Simeon’s locate object picks up residuum in a chest in the centre of the split wreck. Several giant sharks surround the wreck, and whilst the party manage to stealth closer, the sharks lock on to the scent of the blood seeping from Zeni’s scratches.   The sharks attack, taking large chunks off Simeon and Orlando. Sabali swims to the chest and struggles trying to pull it out of the sand. Simeon banishes some of the sharks, with exception of one naturally charismatic shark avoiding the spell. With the breathing space of the banished sharks, the Unbroken gather around the chest and Simeon casts water walk to float them up to surface.   On the ship, the party open the chest to find 1000 gold worth of residuum dust, and not the crystal they were looking for, meaning another trip into the depths. And the surviving sharks start to circle around the ship…

Report Date
15 Feb 2022

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