Session 48: Going Overboard

General Summary

20th Horisal 836PD   Following the events of the naval combat, with both ships drifting with no sails, the Dragon’s Corruption set about its oars and started its approach towards the Unbroken aboard the Storm’s Call. At this time Simeon was still hiding in the rigging of the Dragon’s corruption, observing the magical banner that could allow for a quick escape by the pirates, and preparing to severe the connection between it and the ship. The party prepared themselves to be boarded by the pirates, and once the ships were alongside each other, the pirates launched harpoons and ropes to bind the ships together, and at the same time Simeon cast dispel magic successfully to remove the banner. Sabali, Wind & Zenirith cast invisibility on themselves and moved towards the front of the enemy ship in order to ambush the pirates that were remaining on their own ship.   Captain Clayton launched his sabre towards Orlando appearing to go for a killing strike, but at the last moment swung the blade to the side disarming the sergeant with Bayou cast over the railings into the ocean. Orlando immediately dives into the water in a desperate attempt to retrieve his prized possession, luckily seeing the pistol underwater a sinking he was able to reach for it before it was lost to depths. Ceridwen was surrounded by the pirates and moved herself out of the way, taking several blows, but with her new position caught all of them in a huge thunderwave. The fighting continued and Raphael uttered a spell, which paralyzed the Pirate captain right before he would strike at Enessa, and in turn she performed a coup de grâce ending the threat. With that Ceridwen called out to the remaining pirates demanding their surrender, which they complied with.   Through the fight, the Storm’s Call had lost half its crew, but only eight of the Dragon’s corruption remained. Simeon moved below deck to find twenty-five slaves operating the oars, reassuring them they had been saved. The Unbroken began to question the surviving pirates, using intimidation, asking what their cargo was and trying to establish how they had taken slaves and where. One of the pirates attempted to stab Raphael only to be shot and killed by Enessa. The party also asked of Captain Drakkar and his recent routes across the Lucidian Ocean, establishing he had mainly moved down the Menagerie coast, but had been in Stilben.   Captain Kalycra discussed with the Unbroken that the remaining should not be handed over to the Stilben authorities, with the government being heavily corrupted and infiltrated by the Clasp. It was decided that they should be offered an opportunity to serve under the captain, and those who refused perhaps would best be killed. Six of the seven accepted the offer, with the last holdout being put in the brig for now.   That night the Unbroken and Captain Kalycra discussed the spoils and prizes (A Brooch of Shielding for Zeni and Boots of Striding and Springing for Orlando), having previously agreed to split 50-50, trying to agree what was the best choice between the two ships and if selling one of them or keeping was the better options.   The Unbroken reach level 8!

Report Date
03 Aug 2021

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