Session 86: A Bounty Claimed and A Bounty Denied

General Summary

13-14th Unndilar 836PD   13th Unndilar   The party reach the Storms Call, just as it’s preparing to launch off several spears and arrows start to pepper its hull as the ravagers race across the plains to catch them. With the size and speed of the orcs, it’s unlikely the ship could keel off in time…  A whole Mountain!” cries out from the side of the plains, as the fast-moving Krak zips from the woods and right in front of the oncoming forces. He swings his War-Pick, beating several down and grabbing the ravagers’ attention. Zeni messages Krak to get back to the ship, but Krak refuses. Before Zeni could press, the horde surrounds and engulfs Krak. He had just bought them enough time to sail up.   retributive   Now they can go back to Westruun!   14th Unndilar   Arriving the next morning, the Airship is met by an elven eagle rider Lt. Darin and are escorted to a landing zone to meet with Captain Rance.   Once in a secure location, the Unbroken share their success with killing the 3 Slaughter Lords and present their heads as bounty totalling 20,000 gp (5,000 gp for Tennakar and Klughig, 10,000gp for Kardar). Rance is impressed and emboldened by the Unbroken’s success and will lead their forces to take advantage of the singed base and disordered ravage forces. But they do not have good news to share themselves, as there was an attack early this morning on the Cobalt Reserve.   The Unbroken head to the Reserve, and are soon met with several heavily armed guards. They ask to see Expositor Elani, some time passes and Elani takes a gem of true seeing to check them over. Elani shares that this is not the first time they have seen the Unbroken today. As Lock-Breaker’s and his cultists had disguised themselves as the Unbroken to get into the Reserve.   It seemed that the Unbroken’s move against the Ravagers had provoked Lock-Breaker in making a direct attack. Elder Umwor Palebranch had thwarted his attempts to gain access to the Knowledge he sought, her sacrifice denied him his bounty. A note was pinned along with her body, that they ‘had brought this on themselves’. Orlando and Raphael investigate the bodies, finding tattoos of the Chained Oblivion. Elani offers to help research the World Anvil and find some info on the interests of the Fey Courts that could help them with pursuing the Arch Heart shackle in the Feywild.   The party decide to take a couple of days in Westruun, allowing time for Elani to research and for them to make their preparations. With their bounty-ful funds and items, they pay a visit to Gilmore himself at his Westruun store.   Raphael sets a very persuasive pitch of Gilmore’s holidays with the Rod of Security they looted. Gilmore offers them 100,000 gp in credit at his store and the party soon make their way through it:

  • Raphael gets a Rod of Pact Keeper +1 (6,000 gp)
  • Quill gets his dimension shackles re-enchanted (3,000gp), Bracers of Defence (6,000gp) and his Wicked Sisters upgraded to +2 Handaxes (4,000gp)
  • Sabali trades his Sword of Life stealing for an Ever smoking Bottle, and gets a Shadowfell Brand Tattoo (7,000gp)
  • Simeon gets an Amulet of the Devout +1 (6,000 gp), and fork attuned to Feywild for plane shift (250gp)
  • Zeni gets Headband of Intellect (6,000gp) and sells her Broach of Shielding (gain 3,750 gp). In addition 2,000gp in ink/paper and 7,400gp worth of spell scrolls (several from level 1 to 5 inc. Wall of Stone, Creation, Synaptic Static, Seeming, Major Image, Tongues, Alter Self)
  • Orlando gets Glamour Studded Leather +1 (2,000gp) and a Tool of Wonder (6,000 gp)
  • Party clear out Gilmore's stock of potions: Animal Friendship, Clairvoyance, Climbing (2), Frost Giant Strength, Heroism, Maximum Power, Superior Healing, Greater Healing (2), Healing (3), Fire Breath (2) and Water Breathing (2,000gp in total)
  • With their recent experiences of taking Kalycra and the Storms Call into dangerous situations, Gilmore offers to develop some upgrades for the ship: Ability for Ship to attune to the Unbroken's sending stone and communicate; a central arcane focus that allows the ship to be covered by spells cast such as invisibility; and a short range teleportation circle for the ship to 'beam up/down' the Unbroken to the ship/ground (30,000gp and 1 month).
  With Lock-Breaker on the backfoot, the Unbroken take some time to take stock and prepare for their next move.   The Unbroken reach level 13!

Report Date
05 Jul 2022

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