Session 143: One Hell of a Day

General Summary

17th Sydenstar 836PD   Arin, Ceridwen and Sabali were transported to Vasselheim after the last Council of Celestia. They have been recently joined by Raven and two other representatives of the Gods, Judicator Valar of Pelor and an auto-gnome B.U.B.B.A crafted by Orlando. This reformed group of the Unbroken has been tasked with killing the Rakshasa Lock-Breaker, Usvash, currently recovering in the Nine Hells after their last defeat by Raven and the Unbroken with the collapse of the Dark Grasp cult.    The party are plane shifted to Hell, and meet with a contract maker, Ziggy, who provides the party the location of Usvash in the Stygian level of Hell on the condition of escorting a contracted soul. The party agree, and travel through the Hells, where the instead release the captured soul and find Usvash’s lair in the frozen pits of Hell. The tricksy Rakasha eludes the party with his invisibility and charms Arin into plane shifting back to Vasselheim.    However, the party are able to defeat his Ice Devil guards, and trap Usvash as Raven lands the killing arrow that lifts the Rakshasa’s curse on him and permanently remove the 2nd of Tharizdun’s 4 Lock-Breakers. An embarrassed Arin arrives back in the hells with the help of another Cleric to Plane Shift the party back to Vasselheim.

Report Date
03 Dec 2023

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