Session 53: Favours and Farewells

General Summary

16-17th Misuthar 836PD   16th Misuthar   Earlier that day Ceri wakes with a sense that her time is ending with the Unbroken, and when Gilmore arrives in Westruun to teleport the Unbroken to Whitestone, he informs her that a letter from Vasselheim has arrived.   Teleporting to Whitestone, the Unbroken now sans Wind, update the de Rolos and elven associate of the Cobalt Soul, Tarathiel Saltris, on their findings from the Shade Temple. Arcanist Allura Vysoren in Emon is recommended by the de Rolos as a contact to help with their investigation. Sabali takes a private moment to thank the de Rolo's for giving him a chance to redeem himself. Ceri reads her letter and confirms she has orders to return to Vasselheim. The Unbroken decide to spend one last day together, and teleport with Gilmore to Emon in the morning.   The group spend their day shopping and catching up with friends. Raph gets his component for Shadow of Moil, Enessa gets her bracers of archery. Zeni copies down the teleportation circle at Whitestone. Simeon puts a down payment on mithral half plate. Raph has an order for masterwork cold iron halfplate. Orlando gets a new arm that produces a miasma cloud for cover, and designs for a new gun. Zeni catches up with Eva, who's had new visions of Tarathiel, Zeni and Sabali's bodies in hell, and also Raph's fallen body but his face covered in shadow. Raph and Timeon, the scholar follower, shares that he knows about the Hollow Man and Raph, but has been unable to link them together. He studies the runes on Frostweaver, and sees that an additional rune has been added, confirming that it has 'awakened'.   The Unbroken dine with the de Rolos and companions at Whitestone castle.   17th Misuthar   The group with new member, Tarathiel, prepare to teleport to Emon. In return for these several transportation spells, Gilmore asks the Unbroken to carry out a favour for him. He had been tricked into selling an ring that provides protection to users sensitive to sunlight, such as drow as he believed he was selling to, but turns out it was a vampire, Davorin. A goliath named Devovak was the intermediary and seen at Martha's Rest pub.   Gilmore escorts the Unbroken through the Cloudtop District, the group say their farewells to Ceri at the airship dock. They meet with Arcanist Allura, she shares that more frequent rifts to the fire plane in the Scar of the Cinder King have been opening lately. They theorise that the planar rifts have been opening in areas where the barriers between planes is weakest and connected. The Box retrieved from the Shade Temple is identified as being a container for the resonance stones which are unstable due to their high power but low skill in crafting. Orlando and Allura seemingly repair the box in case it becomes of use, and Allura points the group to visit Lord Merrit's Keep, who has been assigned to oversee the Scar of the Cinder King rifts.   The Unbroken travel to Lord Merrit's Keep, but he is evasive and uncomfortable with their presence and claims that everything is under control. The party make their way to leave and consider their next move with this suspicious Lord.   Linked Journals

Report Date
14 Sep 2021

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