Session 60: The Negotiations were Short

General Summary

28th - 30th Dualahei 836PD   Palmer arrives at the Keep, there is a tense moment of conversation as the Unbroken ask him about the lack of progress with his investigation of the Lock-Breaker. Merrit is still safe, but has no further information willing or even able to share. The trail has gone cold. Which raises how important is it to make a deal with Davorin at the parley for their help to find Lock Breaker.   Whilst Palmer can see the temptation, he knows from previous experience that Davorin can be sly and not to be trusted. He stresses that Davorin should be destroyed at the earliest opportunity. Palmer gives the Unbroken details of his second in command, Jinarth, to be their liaison whilst he is away on a mission.   The party make their preparations for the parley, and on the day, they are met by Keledonia. They are taken into the city, one of the central markets and by the fountain is the Vampire Lord Davorin, clear in the light of the day. Raphael and Sabali both protected by Simeon and Orlando's holy magic (and Sabali closing his eyes to not fall sway to the vampire's charms) engage with Davorin. The rest of the party holding back and keeping watch.   The parley is short, Davorin has been hunting this city for years and would continue to feed off the people, and he did not have any information on Lock Breaker at present. With neither parties’ terms agreed, the parley closed but Davorin threatened that if any harm came to him- his men hidden in the market would open fire on the surrounding civilians. With their opportunity window closing, Sabali whispers to Enessa to lay down a fog cloud to protect the civilians, whilst Raphael uses the cover to try to wrestle the ring off Davorin.   The ruckus begins, Raphael can't find the ring and Davorin's men begin to open fire on the crowd. Zeni shouts out for people to duck and cover. Orlando has a bloody encounter with one of the henchmen, whilst Sabali unleashes a surge of blows to try and stun Davorin before he can escape. Unfortunately, the Vampire's fortitude resists Sabali's assault, and he's free to flee. But before he can get away from their sights, Orlando unleashes a holy barrage of bullets severely wounding the Vampire Lord.   Davorin turns invisible and begins to run for his unlife, Tarathiel casts see invisibility to try to find him and Sabali uses his blind sense to search around the alleys. Sabali literally bumps into Davorin hiding in one of the stores, and the vampire blights and then bites the life out of Sabali. Tarathiel finds Davorin feeding off the now dead Sabali, and deals the killing blow with her booming blade slicing his head off at his bloody jaw. Davorin's form begins to mist and then blackens into ash in the daylight, with the clinging sound of his ring hitting the floor.   But the fight is not over yet, as the henchmen continue to fire into the crowd with everyone else bar Tarathiel unaware of the vampire's death…

Report Date
09 Nov 2021

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