Session 107: Fortune of Soldiers

General Summary

15th-18th Brussendar 836PD   15th Brussendar   The stunning silence that filled the dragon’s cavern is broken by the distant cracking of ice, as the thermal cubes melt away enough ice for the entrapped Syngorn soldiers to start hacking themselves free. Raven double checks the dragon is fully felled, and the party begin to catch their breath back, healing the deep wounds that come with fighting an Ancient White Dragon.   Simeon and Orlando attend to the Soldiers, sharing whatever healing magics they have left to get them steady enough on their feet. The inherent magic of the Dragon’s ice had preserved the troops completely, and for them no time had past at all. Amongst the huddled troopers, the familiar face of Merellian was found and heartened to know he’s been rescued by the Unbroken without having to let his mother, Tarathiel, find out!   With the soldiers freed and the danger passed, Raphael sends to Cpt. Kalcyra of the Storm’s Call to have the airship come and pick them up from their location, as well as to source some fresh backs to help dig out the treasures out of Aylsenore’s frozen hoard.   The party retrieve:

  • 46,000 gold pieces and 31,000 gold pieces worth of platinum [The Unbroken are later gifted half of this when they return back to Syngorn- 33,500 gold].
  • Raphael gets an Iron Flask, that is devoid of any captured creature.
  • Raven gets a Ring of Invisibility.
  • Arthur utilises a Crystal Ball of Telepathy.
  • Simeon finds a Rod of Resurrection.
  • Orlando safeguards a Talisman of Pure Good.
  • Other items they find: +1 Scale Mail and Half Plate of Fire resistance; 2 x 7,500gp worth of artwork (a statue of the Arch-Heart and a mithral crown), and 3 x 2,500gp of other collectables (a Beholder’s eye preserved in amber that could act as a catalyst for magical crafting).
  Arthur and Raven harvest the following the White Dragon’s corpse:
  • Hide, which could be used to create Masterworked +1 Studded Leather Armour.
  • Ice Gland, which could be used to create a White Dragon’s Bane poison.
  • Claws, which could create knives with a chilling touch.
  • Most rarest of all, a Dragon’s Heart, which Arthur theorised could be made into a powerful potion that would temporarily grant to drinker with the form of a white dragon.
  Whilst everyone is distracted by looting and harvesting, Raphael slinks off to find a private area of the cavern that he could summon his patron Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness.   The Fey Queen looks upon her Winter Knight, her cold touch a soothing balm that heals Raphael fully back to his prime. She commends him for felling a great wyrm of winter. She’s aware of his invitation to her sister Titania’s Summer Ball, and warns him that though he’ll be protected by the fey rights of guest, he should not test those rights for he is her representative and there will be no mercy from Summer.   To prepare for his journey to the Feywild, Raphael asks of his patron 3 things; Knowledge; Protection and Power.   Mab can grant Knowledge by showing an icy illusion of her half of the map to the Arch-Heart’s Shackle, and imparts it into Raphael’s mind. She can offer some form of power, wreathing him in the surrounding cold mist of the cavern to ensure he can step out of harms way in future. But with this power, it limits her ability to offer protection. Winter’s powers are waning, and Summer is reaching their peak.   One small token Mab can offer as she plucks a single silver strand of hair from her head, and shapes it into a ring that can supress the undue charm and influence of the fey for 1 hour. Raph offers the Essence of Elemental Cold in return for their bargain, whilst Mab is fascinated by the essence, she lets him keep it and trusts him to decide what is best to do with it.   Mab reiterates that Raphael will be the first of her vassals to enter Summer since the calamity, but whilst he did not ask to be created, he has proved himself time and again. The cold, logical fey face briefly for but a moment, melts back to the human she once was centuries ago, and Raph see’s her kind eyes reflecting her pride in him. With everything scavenged as much as possible, the Unbroken, their fortune and the Soldiers travel back on the airship to Syngorn, arriving late in the evening.   Major Sim Lail is there to great them back, honoured with the safe return of his squadron, the Major recognises the deep debt he and Syngorn owe to the Unbroken, and to Raven. The Major offers his and Syngorn services to the Unbroken, and he has a private word with Raven. Whilst he acknowledges the difficulties of Raven’s actions and betrayal as an operative, he will do whatever is in his power to grant Raven a pardon from the Warden’s, and will make sure he is safe to stay whilst the party make their preparations for the Ball.   16th-18th Brussendar   The Unbroken take the short downtime to gather supplies and start commissioning work in the meantime:
  • Raven commissions a master leatherworker to create his +1 studded leather from the White Dragon hide, which will take 3 weeks to complete [Due 6th Sydenstar]
  • Raven also gets help with an alchemist to make a superior White Dragon’s Bane poison.
  • Party gets some Potions of Heroism, Supreme and Greater Healing.
  • Simeon finds a gem encrusted chalice as component for a Heroes' Feast spell, and commissions another one to be made.
  • Arthur teleports back to Deerstalk, Wildemount to have his artificer associate, Taryon Darrington, sculpt an idol for Arthur to use with new Contingency spell.
  • Orlando procures an Eversmoking Bottle, and some superior Syngornian mithril to use in crafting.
  • The Unbroken also get tailored with some fine clothes for the Ball.
  The Unbroken reach Level 15!

Report Date
27 Feb 2023

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