Session 71: Surface Foughts

General Summary

18th-21st Thunsheer 836PD   18th Thunsheer   Aboleth uses phantasmal force, and within the minds of Simeon, Orlando and Zeni extra aboleths emerge and start attack them, even though they are only figments of their imagination. The aboleth drains Zeni’s life force through this magic, but it breaks his hold over her. Enraged with the experience of being enslaved again, Zeni pulverises the aberration with several missiles of her magic.   The powers of the Frostweaver sway Rapahel’s fate into life once more, bringing him out of unconsciousness. With the crab and the aboleth now dead, the tide is turning against Dashilla.   She calls on the dead spirits of her victims, and the terrifying visage strikes fear into the stoic Orlando. With the sense of dread in his heart, Dashilla turns her gaze upon him and his heart fully stops in the face of her furious glare. The sea fury leaves the dying gnome, and turns into a roiling foam of water, making her escape through the tunnels.   The coast now seemingly clear of threat, the group move onto ground of the cavern. Zeni and Simeon find a chest with 900 gold, 60 platinum and most importantly the residuum crystal. Whilst the rest of the group try to heal themselves, Raphael starts to feel discomfort. The area where the aboleth’s tentacle had struck him had turned his skin translucent and slimy. Zeni and Simeon recognise that Raphael has become diseased from the aboleth, and that he can only be healed whilst in water and that he needs continual moisture or his skin will burn up. Simeon does not yet possess the level of magic to remove this disease.   As they investigate the lair, rocks start falling from the roof, with Dashilla’s presence no longer corrupting the area it’s starting to fall apart. The group manage to rally some of themselves, group around Simeon and float back up to the surface with water walk. But when they surface just away from the ship, they see that the Merrow are currently attacking it and the giant sharks are making their way straight for the bloody party.   Simeon’s calls on the radiance within his soul to sprout his wings and fly towards the ship. Orlando and Sabali manage to dash over the water and jump onto the ship. But before Raphael and Zeni can make their way, the magic using Shallowpriest casts a sleet storm ahead of them. Blinding them and turning the water to ice, making their race to the ship more difficult. Raphael manages to fly around, but Zeni tries to skate through the ice.   Sabali, Orlando and Simeon take out several of the Merrow, but are struck by the lightning bolt of the magic merrow. Who then drops concentration on the sleet storm, letting the sharks burst through the melting ice to attack Zeni, knocking her unconscious. Sabali runs to the edge and uses his monk weapon to try and pull Zeni out of the water, but can’t quite get her up, leaving her as bait for the sharks.   Simeon and Orlando help Sabali to pull Zeni out of the water and onto the deck. The Shallowpriest attempts to unleash another lightening bolt to finish them off, but Raphael counters the magic and then slays the remaining merrow soldier. Sabali chases down and finishes off the retreating Shallowpriest.   With everyone onboard, the party check on Tarthiel and the crew. Tarathiel was badly wounded after valiantly defending against a large merrow force, but she was stable. Some of the crew were wounded but through Simeon’s and Orlando’s magic they were healed. With the crew and party all shipshape, the Unbroken manage to pull together with the crew and skilfully steer the ship away from the increasing fury of the sea.   19th-21st Thunsheer   Raphael

Report Date
01 Mar 2022

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