Session 36: The Queen, the Exarch and the Lady

General Summary

1-2nd Horisal 836PD   The Unbroken continued their way through the Parchwood for a few more hours, before setting up camp. Raphael took a moment of solitude in his tent, before receiving a visitation from Queen Mab . Mab informed Raphael that where the Unbroken were headed was a dangerous place, and bargains should not be made. In addition, his connection to the Winter Queen was probably best kept under wraps...   Enessa also received a visitation from a strange, elderly female halfling, who identified herself as Sariel Oakenheel, an Exarch of the Wildmother. She informed the heartbroken Enessa that Ussi would be returning to her. When asked if Cat God had anything to do with it, Sariel admitted this was true... albeit from a certain point of view. All Sariel requested, was that Enessa would not think of the gods too unkindly in the future.   The following morning of the 2nd, the Unbroken continued through the Parchwood. Upon nearing the location on Enessa's map, they found themselves staring at an armoured bear... They quickly met Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo. the wife of Percy, and the person they were sent to find. Burt Reynolds, the bear stood down, and Simeon provided Vex with Percy's wedding ring as proof, noticing, and helping to heal Vex's broken leg. Vex informed the Unbroken that five days ago she, and the rest of the Grey Hunt had fought three Savager's nearby. One had been killed, the before they could kill the other two, the rest of the Grey Hunt had simply vanished into thin air...   Managing to escape, she was on her way slowly back, before meeting the Unbroken. With the new information in hand, the Unbroken followed the directions to where the Savagers waited. Battle was joined, with the Unbroken quickly realising that the beasts were dangerous, as Raphael was knocked unconscious in two blows. Zenirith managed to grapple one with her Briny Grasp, and Sabali managed to stun the other long enough for Raphael to be healed, and the rest of the Unbroken to assist in taking it down. The battle continues...   Linked Journals

Report Date
11 May 2021

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