Session 146: Blades Out

General Summary

21st Sydenstar 836PD   With the next morning to process and debate their current research on the Shackle. Raph and the party are approached by city guard, Finn Verack, who had confided in Raphael on a hostage situation with his wife that would compromise his post. He announces that she has returned safe, but the situation continues to rouse the party’s suspicions and they visit his wife to investigate.    Through their questioning they find that she was the actual target of the shadowy cult, the Obsidian Cabal. As a former thief she gave the Cobalt Reserve an ancient artefact, the Ebon Codex, but retained the sentient gem, the Keeper. The Keeper informs them that they guard the knowledge the Codex contains on the creation and destruction of divine Shackles.    However, the cults’ assassins, the Blades of Whisper, have found her and launch a silent but deadly attack on the Verack household and the Unbroken.

Report Date
09 Jan 2024

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