Session 119: When the Clerics Are Down

General Summary

28th Brussendar 836PD   As the alarm rings through the warehouse, the rest of the party quickly rush up to close into the building, Enessa stays behind to catch any reinforcements or escapees. Raven’s circlet covers him in the greater invisibility of his first patron the Moonweaver, and Arthur adjusts the gravity around him to fly up to the top of the building.   A goliath Rivermaw Brawler attacks Orlando, they try to disarm him but the gunslinger keeps his grip. Frustrated the Brawler instead just pummels into him and tries to knock him down, but the gnome won’t quit and stands his ground.   A Clasp Cutthroat strikes Arthur critically in his shoulder with a crossbow bolt, however the wizard maintains his hold on flying, but decides to move back outside the warehouse and safely cast through the windows.   A large tiefling Clasp Enforcer tries to hit and intimidate Simeon, but the cleric’s sarcastic jibe of “Ooh what big muscles you have” lands more than the brute’s Warhammer.   Raven shoots down the Brawler attacking Orlando, however also seemingly out of nowhere, a spell of countering magic robs Raven of his invisibility. Orlando’s goggles spot an invisible Dark Eyes Cultist, and he relays their position through Arthur’s telepathic bond.   The Chronurgist and the Cultist engage in dispelling tit for tat, as Arthur removes the cultist’s invisibility and the cultist dispels Arthur’s flying, causing him to drop and hit the street outside the warehouse. The wizard quickly dusts himself off before striding back into the warehouse in manner that would suggest he would like to do more than speak to the Cultist's manager.   Orlando pursues the Cultist across the warehouse, although he’s momentarily interrupted as another goliath brawler grapples him prone. In the repetitive battle rhythm, Raven saves him again with a well-placed strike through the Brawler’s head. The gnome serpentines out and catches up with the cultist cowering behind some crates, and promptly knocks him out with the butt of his gun.   Simeon magically holds the Clasp Enforcer, whilst Arthur fells him with a psychic mind whip.   The Cutthroat escapes down into the basement, retreating alongside some other criminal enforcements, whilst a couple of Northwood Veteran mercenaries try to leave the warehouse and get back to inform the encampment. Arthur misty steps out the building and fires a ray of frost, that freezes a Veteran dead in his tracks. Enessa pursues the rest escaping out the building, telepathically telling the others to go on and get the others downstairs.   Arthur and Raven bring in the nearby outside bodies to avert any external suspicion, and Orlando stows the unconscious Cultist in a locked cupboard. Taking a quick breath, Raven takes point at the stairs into the basement, this time conscious that he could be walking into a trap.   As they head down, a held finger of death unleashes at Simeon from another Cultist, and the Cutthroat’s cross bolt deals a critical wound deep in Raven ribs. Orlando’s goggles spy the Chosen, the Leader of the Dark Eyes, hiding herself invisible and Summons a Construct next to them to mark her out for the group. Although the Chosen soon dispels the golden clockwork figure and its too close for comfort fiery body.   Arthur slows the remaining Rivermaw Brawlers, Veteran mercs and Clasp Enforcer, and Simeon summons his spirit guardians ready to capture the slowed forces in his radiant aura.   As the angelic Aasimar, held aloft by the celestial wings of his radiant soul, encroaches towards the forces in service to the Obilvion, the Dark Eyes Chosen disgusted by the display, screams at him toDie”!   The word is uttered with such power, those who wield the arcane can feel the full wave of a 9th circle of magic rush through the weave, directly at Simeon- killing him instantly.   The radiant light of his body cuts off like a snuffed candle, and the angel falls to the ground, the thud of his body and the clang of his armour hitting the stone floor echo through the basement.   The telepathic bond between the Unbroken shrieks with the shock and anguish of seeing their comrade felled so suddenly. The shock even causes Arthur to lose concentration on the slow, letting the sluggish hirelings run round the back of the room with the other Cultist, out of whatever trouble is to come.   The fires of the World Anvil forge burn bright within Orlando’s soul, he stares down the Chosen and rains down upon her with great vengeance and furious anger a holy barrage of bullets.   Every hit against her invisible form gives Raven the guidance to aim his bow, and he finds his mark, the radiant bolts piercing her neck to break her hold on her invisibility.   The bloodied Chosen is now for all to see, but in the darkness behind her further arcane words begin to be uttered…

Report Date
23 May 2023

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