Session 30: Lambs to the Slaughter Lord

General Summary

10 - 11th Duscar 835PD   The party rest and stealth around the ravager lair at night, they manage to enter through the side but are soon spotted and an open fight begins within the camp. The party see off the ground forces, with Zeni felling several with a well-placed shatter spell. With the camp clear, there is no sign of Kardar, during their investigation they find hidden doors that go into the mountain base. Entering into the tunnel, they soon spot a trap in the corridor, however Sabali fails to climb the walls to avoid it and sets it off, alerting the hidden ravagers in this underground bunker. Kardar comes out to view, he and an orc mage call on their magics, Sabali and others in the party are trapped in difficult spikey terrain, and burned by Kardar's flame magic. Already weary from the encounter outside, and heavily hit now, the party must decide to fight or flee...   Linked Journals

Report Date
30 Mar 2021

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