Session 151: Duty Bound

General Summary

23rd – 24th Sydenstar 836PD   23rd Sydnestar   The Unbroken debrief with Highbearer Vord, and get some rest at the Divine Chalice. Later in the day, the party hear a public ruckus building outside and take to the streets to find a disguised Lord Treacy magically inciting a rebellion. He escapes before the Unbroken can stop him, but it’s too late as the enchantment spreads like a virus, bewitching the crowds until it boils into public unrest and riots. The Unbroken rush to the Platinum Sanctuary to seek Vord’s help in protecting the Shackle of Bahamut, but as soon as they arrive, he orders for their arrest!   The situation nearly turns violent as the normaly laissez-faire Simeon loses his trickster composure when approached with chains. As a traumatic reminder of when his parents were religiously persecuted and imprisoned.   However, the Unbroken peacefully relent in order to avoid further delays, and are presented with an impeccable series of false testimonies that accuse them of being in league with the Lock-Breaker cult. Raphael successfully persuades Vord of their innocence through the Ebon Codex’s sentient Keeper. Freed, Vord takes them deep into the Sanctuary to the well-guarded and magically protected Platinum Shackle. The Unbroken guard the Shackle, expecting an assault at any moment from Treacy. Several misdirecting sendings and ploys convince the Unbroken that must not abandon the Shackle, and that the chaos of the city turning on itself is a distraction.   24th Sydenstar   For nearly a day they guard the Shackle, convinced of the greater good. Until the following morning, when they’re informed of an unsuccessful assault on a Tower that Treacy’s forces had overtaken. Do they then begin to question if they’ve been tricked into the trappings of their duty...

Report Date
13 Feb 2024

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