Session 66: The Storms Call and a Dragon Answers

General Summary

6th-8th Thunsheer 836PD   As recounted by Tarathiel   6-7th Thunsheer   Before the party leaves Syngorn, Simeon purchases a saddle and riding tack for a giant eagle, in the hopes of either polymorphing a party member, or otherwise persuading a giant eagle to become his mount.   Raphael and Zeni return to Morquen Crimsonflight to see what progress he has made on obtaining information about Darktow. Morquen offers, for a price, information about the Plank King, and asks in exchange for the name of the intended target of the rescue attempt. Zeni volunteers Palleus’ name, but it does not appear to have any particular significance for Morquen.   The information which Morquen provides relates to the Plank King’s contact with the League of Miracles, a kind of mercenary company of magic users heavily involved in the reconstruction of Tal Dorei in recent years. Kind of a magical Halliburton by the sound of it. Results of this contact are so far unknown. Zeni offers Morquen a retainer to seek out further information about Drakkar and / or Mist in the Morning, and he agrees to do so.   We enjoy a brief flashback to when Sabali performed his excellent poem for the discerning listeners of the Tarn Ward.   8th Thunsheer   The airship arrives on Saturday morning, and we go to meet it. A combination of clever spellcasting allows the party to walk across the surface of the lake and up some watery steps onto the deck of the ship. This piece of minor showing off is met with general appreciation by the airship crew and passing locals.   Captain Kalcyra greets us warmly and welcomes us aboard. Then immediately informs us that she would like her crew to do some shopping. Despite being somewhat anxious to get going, we agree to wait whilst this is done, and ask them to also pick up some cold weather gear for the party.   We break the news of our destination, and plan, to her as gently as we can and she somewhat reluctantly consents to her part in it. In light of this new information, the shopping party is requested to purchase additional nerve-strengthening alcohol rations. This is done.   We set off, and discuss the best options for routes across the mountains. Not long into our journey a message arrives from Lianthorn letting us know that white dragons have been sighted in the mountains. Aylsenore a white dragon and several white wyverns, kin of Vorugal, an ancient white dragon that was a member of the Chroma Conclave. Understandably, Kalcyra isn’t too happy about this either, and lets us know that her crew will not participate in any battles with dragons. We agree that this is a reasonable stipulation. She instructs Simeon in how to handle the tiller should that become necessary.   Night falls as we pass over the mountains, flying only a few hundred feet above their peaks. It is during the second watch, while Sabali and Rapahel are on duty, that the dragons are first heard and then sighted. With little warning, one white dragon and a number of smaller wyverns appear out of the clouds and land with heavy thuds on the deck of the ship.   It takes a few moments to rouse everyone from sleep, but once everyone is up on deck, the fight begins in earnest. The greatest threat is the icy breath of the white dragon, although both dragon and wyverns also have powerful physical attacks with teeth, claws, and tails.   The fight is short and bloody, with the most serious casualty being Zeni, who is badly frostbitten by the dragon’s breath, and could easily have died due to a lack of prompt medical attention, but luckily is able to cling on to life until help finally arrives.   In the end we manage to kill all of the wyverns and to drive the larger dragon off to seek easier prey. Orlando shoots one of the wyverns down from the air, plummeting 500ft to become a red smear in the snow caps of the mountain. Raphael guts one of the fleeing wyverns on the deck of the airship. A result which is roundly cheered by all on board. Sabali takes the opportunity of the fresh wyvern corpse to harvest one dose of it's venom.   After this bracing but probably ultimately inconsequential interlude we all go back to bed, and the journey to Darktow continues.   Linked Journals

Report Date
25 Jan 2022

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