Session 51: Shadows in the Shade

General Summary

29th Horisal -1st Misuthar 836PD   29th Horisal   With Simeon and Master Kenji appearing through a dimension door on the steps of the temple, Simeon quickly explained to the group that Kenji had been held prisoner and tortured in the cells, and that Sabali was making his own way out. As the Kenku guards launched arrows at the unbroken, Zeni cast fog cloud to provide cover whilst Ceri started carrying the former master of the Shade Temple.   Sabali was able to successfully make his escape utilising the very skills he had been taught, expertly moving in the shadows until a point where he ran through the guards and launched himself up the walls and over. In short time he made it back to the rest of the Unbroken and the camp.   The party worried over being tracked, and cast pass without a trace, travelled further into the forest and then leomunds tiny hut to hide ourselves further. Now confident in their safety the Unbroken rested and awaited Master Kenji to heal enough to answer some questions.   Master Kenji revealed that as soon as Sabali had left the temple, all those months ago, Vetelius had usurped him, with his ‘shadows’, and although it was not clear, Kenji believed that Vetelius was answering to a higher authority.   With this knowledge the party discussed how best to approach the situation, clear that something needed to be done about the shade temple. Due to the nature of the secret takeover and the potential that not all in the temple now were guilty, the Unbroken agreed to try and call Vetelius actions out, outside the walls and therefore protect some of the innocents.   1st Misuthar   The next Morning Wind called set out the truths discussed with her magically booming voice, but there was no reply. Moving closer, the truth became apparent, that there had been a battle in the temple since the Unbroken left. The kenku warriors appeared to all be dead including the remaining monk twins Jintar and Jacen. Investigating the bodies, some had been killed in an unnatural manner through necrotic magicks.   Moving through the main building of the temple, more bodies were found, the Unbroken were keen to find the office and the seal that authorised Temple activity. On making it upstairs to the office, they discovered the bod of Vetelius also, making it more unclear how this fight had come about with him too being killed via the necrotic magic.   Moving out of the office however it was made apparent what had caused some or all of this, as undead shadows seeped through the floor.   The combat was swift, with the Unbroken taking down much of the shadows, however from either side came these shadowy assassins. Zeni took attack after attack with the assailants sapping the strength from her until she was unable to stand. Quickly Ceridwen was to act and take a protective stance over her whilst the rest of the Unbroken took down the rest of the enemies. Sabali ran around the other side to deliver a flurry of attacks on the first assassin that had taken Zeni down. The final blow was delivered by Wind who vanished into a soft fiery rift only to emerge directly behind the final assassin slitting his throat in a brutal and efficient manner.   Linked Journals

Report Date
01 Sep 2021

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