Session 57: Keeping up with Disappearances

General Summary

18th Misuthar- 26th Dualahei 836PD   With the Unbroken awarded Merritt’s Keep and issued with his charge to monitor the Scar, the group gets to grip with their new ‘domain’. Over 4 weeks the group recruit new groups to bolster their forces:  

  • Simeon leads the Keeps own force, the Cinder Shields.
  • Raph secures some fairies of the Winter Guard.
  • Tarathiel pulls her connections to Syngorn for an elven infantry, Halamir's Blade.
  • Enessa tempts Erik and the Westruun huntsmen with adventure as her Longbow Legion.
  The Unbroken improve their domain and carry out their downtime activities:  
  • They are visited by Lorkathar, a half orc fire ashari, who is charged with overseeing the scar from their Flamereach Outpost. The Unbroken agree to work together with them as part of their mutual duties with the Scar.
  • Simeon hallows the grounds of the Keep, preventing creatures such as the Undead and elementals from entering the keep, but making exceptions for fey and celestials.
  • Orlando ambitions and heavy purse lead him down a costly path to try and create his own first gun from Freddy de Rolo’s designs, ending up with standard 6 shooter- The Folly.
  • Tarathiel and Simeon study and conduct research on vampires as part of completing Gilmore’s favour. Hearing local stories of people disappearing.
  • Zeni asks Orlando to create a prosthetic horn to cover her broken one, helping her to move on from her past and living up to being ‘Unbroken’ herself. Orlando low from his crafting struggles, is touched by Zeni’s request and makes her the horn, inscribing it with a lightning rune of defence.
  • Sabali finds an armourer that crafts his monk weapon, Kyoketsu- Shoge, creating a superior weapon that Gilmore enchants to enhance his strength.
  As part of the investigation of the vampire Davorin, intrigue starts between the parties’ domains with a tit for tat of investigation and attacks on the Unbroken’s defences. A disturbing message is sent when Tarathiel’s informant is sent off to investigate the reports of disappearances and later returns as a vampire spawn. Held at bay outside the Keep by the hallowed ground. Simeon himself has a close encounter with the goliath, Devovak, when out investigating the streets where people had last seen their informant, the pub Martha’s Rest. As their next lead, the party prep to visit the pub.   Linked Journals

Report Date
19 Oct 2021

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