Session 90: Buzz Off

General Summary

22nd Unndilar 836PD   The Inquisitor’s unholy spiritual scythe reaps into Quill, and he charges through the Simeon duplicate with his lance to pierce Zeni’s arcane shield.   Orlando notices the sounds of struggles in a room behind him, and he shoots down the Inquisitor as he backs up to investigate. He sees through a window a drow guard being attacked in the dark with a dagger, but he catches a glimpse of a scarred pale elf when he strikes at the guard who fails to find refuge by the torch light.   Raphael strikes through his shadowy cover at the Yochlol demonic spider, and Quill follows by tripping the spider and cleaving down into its prone carapace. Zeni yanks the dead Inquisitor’s lance out of her side, and channels a furious orb of lightning at a warrior. They retaliate with their crossbow, and the poisonous bolt knocks Zeni unconscious.   The grounded Yochlol bites into Quill’s leg and pushes itself up to then sink its poisonous fangs into the barbarian’s chest, but his dwarvish blood purges the demon’s poison. The Priestess summons the insects of the Underdark to plague Raph, Buzz and Zeni. The unconscious storm wizard wakes to the buzzing and biting of the insects, and promptly misty steps out of the swarm.   Buzz hurls his psychic blade through the swarm, striking true and right through the abdomen of the demonic spider, its vibrant guts spew onto the floor and its form dissolves into a yellow puddle.   Simeon summons his guardian spirits to protect him from the surrounding elite warriors, whilst Sabali and Sabalo exchange bladed blows with them. Orlando tries to assist the captive elf but his new guns face teething problems, fortunately he distracts the guard enough for the elf to roll right through him to collect his rapier ready to strike at his captor.   Zeni now safe from the insects channels the magic of her staff to set a burning ring of fire around the Priestess. The fire catches her vestments, causing her to lose her concentration on maintaining the plague of insects, which promptly buzz off back into the crevices of the dark walls.   The Elite warriors come their Priestess’s aid, as they attempt to assault Simeon but he blocks their blows with the arcane shield called forth from his spell ring. But one warrior finds their mark with Zeni, and she falls unconscious again to the Drow’s poisonous bolts, setting the Priestess free from the wall of fire. However, she soon finds herself surrounded with even great danger than fire!   Buzz and Raphael can now see the Priestess with the wall of fire down, and they unleash their blades and blast upon her. Sabali rushes to Zeni to heal her with a potion and prepares to engage in melee with the Priestess.   Orlando blow dries his gun and manages to finish off the drow guard, he speaks out to wherever in the dark is the now freed elf that there are “plenty of drow outside if they want payback”. Orlando feels movement in the dark and the Pale Elf rushes past to soon shoot down a warrior attacking Simeon.   The Priestess continues to be surrounded by the Unbroken, Zeni’s mind magic stings the Priestess, Quill drinks a potion of fire breathing and burps flames right into her face. Simeon moves towards her, and his surrounding spirits tear the final life from the Priestess. A lone fanatic warrior tries to fight on in face of his Priestess’s death, but his final curses in undercommon are turned into bloody gurgles as the Pale Elf’s arrow pierces his throat.   Buzz is pleased with the Priestess’s death, but is even more delighted when he recognises the elf as his Slayer’s Take companion, Aren ‘Raven’ Ramjek. Buzz had been hunting the Priestess as had believed she killed Raven. Buzz collects what he needs from the Priestess’s body for his bounty, whilst Simeon finds an Amulet and magical robes. As the party take a quick rest, Zeni identifies the Magic Amulet of Lolth that has a chance of summoning a demon to their service, and the Robes of Lolth that would disguise the wearer to blend in with other Drow.   Buzz and Raven catch up, Buzz explains the deal he made to help the Unbroken travel around to avoid the known Drow outposts in order to reach the ‘Steps’ that lead further down into the Underdark. After 3 hours scouting and stealthing they make it to the ‘Steps’, 3 large ridges connected with ladders to descend several hundred feet. Raven goes on ahead to check the conditions of the ladders and spot any traps, but it’s seemingly safe. Simeon floats down with his ring of feather falling, whilst the rest ties themselves together with rope and clamber down. Orlando nearly falls down when a sabotaged rung splits underneath his foot. Buzz descends ahead and his eyes are keener for picking out these kinds of traps, and he finds a glyph of warding on the bottom ladder which Zeni is able to dispel.   Safely at the bottom, Buzz thanks the party for their help in finding Raven and will now head off back to the Slayer’s Take. Buzz looks expectantly at Raven to join him, but is quietly devastated with Raven deciding to stay on and help the Unbroken. Feeling indebted to them helping to recuse him, and also curious of what else lies further in the dark than they’ve ever travelled.   As Buzz’s off, Raven and the Unbroken walk on to arrive at the shore of Dark Lake.

Report Date
23 Aug 2022

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