DoIP - Session 04 - Report

General Summary

25 Mirtul 1492 - Campaign Day 3

After they party is finished shopping, Draco and Marth head back to the Stonehill Inn with Karl. Bandit and Cratchit decide to explore the town a bit. They see a halfling man stealing coins from the Shrine of Luck. Cratchit shots the halfling in the leg with an arrow to stop him and bandit tackles him to the ground. They discover that the halfing is Quinth Alderleaf and that he is in town visiting his sick sister, Qelline Alderleaf. He only stole the money so that he could afford a healing potion for her. Bandit offers to help him heal Qelline if Quinth puts the money back. He agrees. Before they head off to Alderleaf Farm Bandit heals Quinth's arrow wound.
  The group arrive at the farm soon after and spend a few minutes cheering up Carp Alderleaf, Qelline's son. They then proceed into the sick room and Bandit heals Quelline. Qelline invites them to stay for supper. The group have a good meal that turns into a kitchen party with neighbours stopping by to join in the fun. Near midnight, Bandit and Cratchit head out and the family goes to bed.
  Instead of going back to the Stonehill Inn right away, the pair head off into the woods in search of jackelopes, since Bandit has always wanted one. They manage to find one down by a river and Bandit uses her druid powers to tame the creature. They get back to the Stonehill Inn just before dawn with their new jackelope friend in tow.

Dragon of Icespire Peak
Report Date
16 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Alderleaf Farm

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