Session 14: Secrets and Revelations Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 14: Secrets and Revelations

General Summary

Silver Flame answers, an old enemy appears, whe're going indiana jones in a cavesystem and revelations appear wrapped in black mist.


    • Osiris was summoned and dissapeared during the night.
    • Went to visit the Toxic Elixer and bought Health Potions, a invisibility spell scroll, a poisoners kit and antitoxin (smart, smart!)
    • Went back to visit the Mush where they met with Sulvius again. Ghanok searches for a shard and after talking and a demonstration of a different article in the shop he buys a black shard and a bag of tricks. Maggie buys a dust of disappearance and she tries to sell the doll she found, but doesn't agree to it's worth and keeps it. Ghanok sells a couple of his stuff.
    • Back to the Bloody Bones they arrive in the middle of a pack battle, where the packleader is challenged by one of the pack members (Belfor). After seeing one of the wolves explode and revealing the man he is, falling unconscious they talk to the pack leader - Richard. Maggie questiones him if Belfor is unable to change again, but Richard explains that the very powerfull leaders can force a change upon their pack members. It is something that isn't very civilized and he doesn't like to do it, but sometimes you need to set an example.
    • Maggie explains what they found in the sewers in exchange for answers about the Silver Flame:
    • Richard explains that the Silver Flame has hunted lycanthropes for many centuries, seeing them as unnatural and needing to be erradicated from this world. They have been in hiding for a long time and are suspicious about people connected to the silver flame, which is why he didn't tell them anything before. He tells Maggie she might be able to find more at Morgrave University or Arcanix, which will be more theoretical information.
    • While talking the ground shakes and an explosion sounds outside. They end the conversation and Maggie & Ghanok run outside to see a burning ball in the middle of the road, while a man runs by screaming that this must be an attack by Breland and that this must be a sign that the war has begun anew!
    • In the middle of the chaos they see a flash of black hair and white dress... they see Em running away. They run after her through the city and follow her outside of the city to the entrance of a cave system. The cave is filled with traps but with the brillaint usage of the cloak of the bat Maggie seeks the fastest way through the cave system and they carefully make their way through it.
    • While Maggie is in batmodus, Ghanok inspects the newest shard he bought at the Mush. This shard connects to his Warrior Flame. While inspecting/attuning he notices he starts to become hot and his tattoos start to change in colour. They transform from a blue to a orange/red flickering colour, like a flame. He can use his Warrior Flame to hurt others but it will burn him as well.
    • Maggie creates the most beautifully feathered beard ever while trying to make all tripwires visible, which sadly failed. But she looks amazing now!
    • They get chased by a ball and a bit squished! Finally they enter a chamber filled with four statues and six doors. The statues turn out to be bitchy as one attacks Maggie and Ghanok and another charms Ghanok to drink a potion which turns out to be a poison. Both have valuables but Maggie and Ghanok agree that it isn't worth the dangers.
    • They find a white wand in one of the rooms. Ghanok tries the wand, unsuccesfully. Maggie tries it as well and a few sparks release from it but nothing else happens. They try another door but can't get it to open. The third door they open reveal a path downstairs where they see a light at the end.
    • After going downstairs they come into a clearing where they see Em standing for an altar, and a portal behind it. From the portal a massive demon errupts, floating towards Em. The demon talks to Em in an unknown language and they see Em change into a man, then a tiefling and finally sets into a warforged. She answers the demon that she will do anything to protect them. The demon touches Em on her forehead and she begans to scream. Parts of her body began to transform. Blades start to form out of her back like wings and while transforming further a black mist begans to float out from the creature and Em, evelloping everyting including Ghanok and Maggie. 
    • Ghanok hears whispers and recognizes the voices of his mother, sister and clan elder.

      /*The Spirit that has visited him and is linked to the shards whispers to him that he is fucked and is willing to promise his faith to the spirit. Ghanok agrees and instantly he feels an inmense pain from inside, dropping his weapons and 2 bones start to grow out of his arms wrapping and turning until he has two axes fully made of bone and he feels an even stronger connection with his primal side. */

      Something happens in the mist which transforms something inside of him and then he sees a blue ghost type being in the mist... an ancestor of his here to help him in the coming fight.
    • Maggie hears whispers but doesn't recognize it. Something lifechanging happens inside the mist and a woman ghost appears to help her in the coming fight.

      /*a woman appears in the mist, seemingly crying. She says " My daughter, oh how they have messed with your mind. Try to remember us and we will meet again"  While standing in the mist her newly wings shoot forcefully out from her, as well as her eyes transform. Her staff wraps in shadows and transforms into a new staff*/

Rewards Granted

  • New axes
  • New quarterstaff

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Sewers quest completed.
  • Start quest through cave-system following Em.

Character(s) interacted with

  • The Dark Pack members
  • Personal loved ones from the past

Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
09 Oct 2021

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