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Nadriss Campaign

A Homebrew / In Development game In the world of STA: Breath of the Gurkha
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Supporting Cast
  • Doctor Emergency Medical Hologram
    This is one of the early MK I Emergency Medical Holographic Units. He is an integral part of the USS Gurkha and its operations. He is currently considered a very young and childlike program that has near-near infinite knowledge at its beck and call.
  • Fleet Admiral Jonathan Gurung
    Jonathan Gurung is an older man whose lineage hails from the Nepalese region but now lives upon an isolated Betazed world. His family owns a major Aeronautical and Galactic Craft Research and Development company that employed him as a tet stunt pilot. He had joined Starfleet against his family's wishes and would become one of the finest Conn Officers across the fleet.