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Exploring Eberron

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Aubreck Drallion
    He was once one of the richest traders outside of the Dragonmarked Houses. He fell from grace after betting it all on shipment from Xen'Dirik aboard the Emperor of the Waves, which was lost at sea.
  • Buckler
    A guard working for House Lyrandar, sole surviving guard of the elemental attack.
  • Sergeant Germaine Vilroy
    A former soldier, Germaine doesn't like wasting time, and wants to cut straight to the chase. She performs her duties as a Sergeant of the Sharn Watch in an efficient, calculated manner.
  • Hass Faldren
    Smuggler, and captain of the elemental sloop Ice Storm. Hass is also well connected on the docks and in the warehouse districts.

Sessions Archive

20th Dec 2020

Bakers Night

While leaving Sharn, the party are interrupted by treat bearing carolers.

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29th Nov 2020

Elemental Unleashed

The party needs an elemental to repair their newfound ship. How will they get one? Well, another heist of course! But things, as usual, don't exactly go as planned.

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20th Sep 2020

Session 0

Previously, on Dragonball Z.......

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Brovim Nog


Icarus Aoifen

Tarko Diem


Merle Naïlo