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A World of Darkness 5th Edition (Paradox) game In the world of World of Darkness - PNW
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Supporting Cast
  • "Big" Ed Sullivan
    Friday Harbor's premier source of hallucinogenic drugs. What a white college kid would think a drug dealer is like. A bit of a loudmouth, but overall a pretty decent guy.
  • Anastasia Rostov
    Alexi's eccentric aunt. Coming from old money, she is a fiercely intense woman accustomed to getting what she wants.
  • Andriy Rostov
    Alexi's uncle. There's a bit of unease between him and the rest of the family due to rumored connections to the mob. Though he's mostly friendly, one wouldn't be blamed for wondering if those rumors have some merit behind them.
  • Charlie Delgado
    A paramedic, and friend of Glenn's. The two first met when Armstrong Sr. had a fall, and became friendly after meeting each other multiple times on the mainland. He has a gentle soul.
  • Farah Aston
    Alexi's semi-secret girlfriend. Their relationship is somewhat strained, both due to being in a long-distance relationship once Alexi left for graduate school, and due to Alexi's emotional distance.
  • Gracie Bridges
    Glenn's old flame from high school. She's made a name for herself as the singer/guitarist for a locally-famous alt-rock band. Still carries a hint of punk and rebellion in her heart.
  • Jonah Kelly
    Lewis' ex-college roommate and best friend. He works as a porter at the famously-haunted Hotel de Haro, despite the fact that he's afraid of ghosts.
  • Kevin Martin
    A close friend of Lewis who works at a restaurant in Friday Harbor. He's a gym rat, caffeine addict, and closet furry. Has a mutual compact with Lewis that whoever finds Bigfoot first has to tell the other.
  • Melissa Soo-Hyun
    Glenn's wife of 15 years. She came to the US from Korea for college, and got married to Glen because her Visa was expiring. She and Glen are good friends, but the relationship is somewhat strained due to the knee-jerk nature of their engagement.
  • Nick Brown
    Ollie's brother, and the owner of a lavender/agritourism farm on San Juan Island. He's the kind of person who's seen the worst in life and refuses to let it drag him down. Has a difficult relationship with Ollie, not out of any particular dislike but more out of how they've ended up taking such different paths in life.
  • Nicolae Rostov
    Alexi's cousin, and one of her closest friends. Loud, brash, devil-may-care, he combines the most in-your-face qualities of both of his already-intense parents.
  • Robert Armstrong
    Glenn's father, and a retired Vietnam veteran living in a retirement home on San Juan Island. Polite, but conservative leaning. Glenn's only remaining living family.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 1st October 2023 14:30

Session 4: Hunted

Sessions Archive

24th Sep 2023

Session 3: Aftermath

Our heroes come to terms with the reality of their present situation.

Read the Report
17th Sep 2023

Session 2: Massacre

Tensions on San Juan island come to a boil, and our heroes have their true natures revealed.

Read the Report
10th Sep 2023

Session 1: Prologue

June 20, 2023 - San Juan Island, Washington   Four bodies have been found in as many days. While initially written off as an attack by a feral dog, it has become increasingly apparent that something incredibly dangerous is lurking in this once-idyllic slice of paradise. As the tourism the island relies on dries up in the wake of the incidents, a barely-concealed paranoia has begun to fester in the community, threatening to boil over into a maddened frenzy. Further, a few of the locals have been struck with something… odd. Debilitating nightmares, whispering voices in the backs of their heads, sudden bursts of vicious anger. The First Change is rarely kind… but for these poor souls it has the potential to burn their lives to cinders around them.

Read the Report
27th Aug 2023

Session 0

Details are discussed. Characters are established. The house of cards is assembled.

Read the Report
June 16, 2023 - San Juan Island, Washington   A hiker is found dead on a local trail, body mangled beyond recognition by an unknown animal. While initially written off as an attack by a feral dog, it becomes increasingly apparent that something incredibly dangerous is lurking in this once-idyllic slice of paradise. As the tourism the island relies on dries up in the wake of the incident, a barely-concealed paranoia starts to fester in the community, threatening to boil over into a maddened frenzy. Further, a few of the locals have been struck with something… odd. Debilitating nightmares, whispering voices in the backs of their heads, sudden bursts of vicious anger. The First Change is rarely kind… but for these poor souls it has the potential to burn their lives to cinders around them.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Alexi Rostov

Ollie Brown

Lewis Tyrol

Glenn Armstrong