Session XXXVIII: The Serpent's Shift

General Summary

General Summary

The session began with Elandril having another vision from the perspective of Khothax. He felt Khothax's intense anger, which was surprising given the previously muted emotions Elandril had felt from him prior. However, the view from Khothax was a sight that filled the party with dread: Khothax was staring from the balcony at Castle Laraethan directly at the Haven as a battalion of royal guards marched through the doors. After relaying this information to the party, they quickly began to head back to the Haven to try to defend it.   When the party arrived back at the Haven, they noticed two very distinct things about the Haven. First, there was no fight, and the Twisted Blades members were calmly cooperating with the royal guards—clearly the enchantment magic of the Serpent at work. Secondly, and perhaps more confusingly, the physical layout of the Haven had changed completely. After speaking managing to speak with Miridi, the party discovers that the Haven's changed layout was a defence mechanism put in place to protect its secrets, should it ever be compromised. The party managed to convince a guard, Klondike, that they meant no harm and were actually there on King Tandoril's orders—leaving them to roam freely around the Haven. Eventually they passed through a staircase that could only be walked up backwards, two lying doors, and a gentleman's mirror before finally reaching the room where the Serpent was overseeing the invasion of the Haven.   Initially, the Serpent appeared as a high elf, but upon slipping off a ring on his finger he was revealed to be a green dragonborn. Instead of attacking him on sight, the party found themselves believing him to be a reasonable man and instead chose to try to convince him to join them. Ultimately, they were successful and gained a powerful ally in their fight to take back Wistonland. The Serpent, Aphis, and Kuchek recommened that the party take a day to plan their storming of Castle Laraethan—so that Khothax would not catch wind of his betrayal—giving the party the element of surprise.   After their discussion with Aphis was finished, the party were in for a pleasant surprise as a pulse of green magic surrounded them again. This time, a familiar face greeted the party at the Haven window—Atsa. After letting her inside, she spoke to Oswald and relayed her intent to help the party fight Khothax, as well as to reaquire the Life Bead in Castle Laraethan. Next, the newly freed Twisted Blades members brought news that with the death of Dorcan, Elandril had been appointed the new Head of Assassination for the Twisted Blades. The party left the Haven with confidence, but their mood quickly changed to caution as they heard marching coming down the street. However, their worries were misplaced, as leading the royal guard batallion that appeared down the street was Khindell Goltorah—Heigolor's brother. The men knelt in front of Heigolor and pledged their allegiance to him, showing their willingness to help the party take back Wistonland from Khothax's clutches. The crew from the Valtis, as well as Ukar's small army regiment also joined the fray, leaving the party with many allies to help them in their dangerous coup.

Rewards Granted

  • Allies to help the party in their coup to take back Wistonland

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Save the Haven from Khothax's clutches
  • Gather allies to storm Castle Laraethan

Character(s) interacted with

  • Miridi
    • Relayed partial information of the Haven's defenses to the party
  • Aphis—AKA the Serpent
    • Originally took over the Haven with enchantment magic
    • Later joined the party and decided to help them overthrow Khothax

Tourceia Campaign
Report Date
15 Jan 2023
Primary Location

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