Session 55: Downtime in the City Report

General Summary

Start Date: Drio the 15th of Strof 866, Year of Magick
End Date: Vysek the 18th of Strof 866, Year of Magick   The party continued conducting personal matters. Bellator left to go find more of the Storm tribe and did some work for those in need. He travelled with Rosla. Airod helped to repair the city and looted occassionally. Zevorth helped in the Druid's Grove, restored parks on each of the isles, imbued a park in the Rogue District with light, and assisting in clearing out the flora in the Smithing District. Thymeros assisted Utezsh, spent some time tinkering, and with Meara. Scynder had a small conversation with his unwanted inhabitant of his body and went with Utezsh to speak with Christian Demok, the leading expert in fiends in Miran, about Scynder's predicament. They found out that a high level devel known as an Abrazu is inhabiting Scynder's body. His name is Kahashazel and that he has formed a symbiotic relationship with Scynder that started seven years ago. There is no way to rip Kahashazel out so instead Christian recommended looking for a scimitar known as "The Hell Symbiont" that can help gain control of Kahashazel. The only problem remains is that is was taken to the Nine Hells and stored there centuries ago. Utezsh worked in his temple, collected blood samples for the Archmage of Anaria, Aelar, to attempt to use in locating him or learning of his current status. At the same time he separated out two other substances there were mixed in with the blood. Some black goo/slime that gave off necrotic energy and a grey dust that gave off cosmic energy. The party now prepares to for the coming Circus of Fiends and Friends that their very own Airod will be performing in. There is also a three day celebration before the party has three months of downtime and to attend to their personal missions. In the mean time the Empress and council will be attempting to learn more of Archmage Aelar's wereabouts and about the Zorrikana Orbs that were thought to be pure myth.... until now.

Rewards Granted

7,500gp each for services to Miran A new ice breaker ship to replace the ship lost in the battle

Missions/Quests Completed

Personal Quests

Created Content

Uteszh: grey powder material and black goo/slime

Adventure's in Ashar
Report Date
03 Dec 2023
Primary Location

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