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The Rerising of the Runelords

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of World of Bacra
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Sessions Archive

31st Dec 2021

Session 5: Elemental Chaos

The next morning the group woke up and Draw was the first to wake up, he found his father bleeding on the floor in the chapel. Elistar came quickly to and Draw quickly healed him back up. Flame told them that an Oni stabed him this morning and went into the basement.   Elistar woke up the rest and togheter they went to the basement. There they found an magical bubble with the 4 elementen in it. Elistar noticed that there where 4 figures in it, trying to escape. She tried to help them to stick her hand in the bubble but without luck.   In the mean time Tyrion did a ritual to found out the source of the bubble. In the mean time the rest explored the basement a bit. There are 4 doors all leading to different rooms, all with some kind of connection with an elemental plane. First the door to the water plane opened and here was a statue and a little lake with very clear bleu water in it.   The group noticed there weapons and some gear glowed when coming in contact with these doors and even more within the rooms. In the mean time Tyrion found out that there was an dark and evil power that sealed these Elementals in it. Elistar tied to fix the seal by casting cure wounds on it but also without succes. Later Elistar and Molock where in the Water room and Draw and Tyrion where in the Earth room.   In the Water room Elistar got attacked by small fish and Molock stook his scythe in the water, he noticed the water was grappling his weapon so he electrocuted these water and after that his weapon stopped glowing around this water.   In the Earth room Draw saw a large hole and he noticed that his bow was glowing and decided to throw his bow in the hole, expecting it to come back when he calls for it. But this time it didn't, he stood there and waited but no response. Right before he decided to jump after it the bow came back covered in stones and now able to break in to as 2 scimitars.   In the mean time the group came togheter and Elistar opened the door to the Air Domain. without succes, because it was so windy. Molock helped and togheter they went inside and there they both felt a pulling on the scythe of Molock and the Guitar of Elistar. Elistar let lose first and saw her guitar fly up into the clouds on the ceiling. The winds stood died down and then the guitar came back now covert in clouds and small wings on the side, feeling the power storm and thunder in her finger tips. The group now knew what the glowing object's meant.   Molock went back to the Water room and healed the water and again his water glows, now he did let go of his scythe and saw it disappear in to the water. and moments later his scythe is covert in shark teeth and there is a water leash on the hilt.   Now only the Fire door left Elistar and Tyrion had a little open it, no don't open it fight and when the door opened the book of Tyrion accidentally got lose of his belt and fell in to the lava pool in the center of the room. While Tyrion and Elistar where arguing what just happend the book came back now covert in red flames and with a new spell in it, Flaming Sphere.   After that Draw was the only one at the seal with the elementals in it and noticed that it was cracking open and at the moment he wanted to warn the others the seal broke open and the angry elementals start attacking everybody. First to fall was Fire and its essence when to the ceiling later water fell and soon after that Air. But than Fire and Air got togheter and created a very large Fire elemental that was as quick as Air. During this all Earth fell and togheter with Water they created an Mud Elemental. After that the group got rid of these fusions and the peace was back in the temple.   Now with new and improved items there felt ready for more adventures... after an well earned rest of course.

31st Dec 2021

Session 4: Home sweet... Oni?

After that the group split up to see the tomb and to read / becoming a spy they came together again they decided that they where to weak to confront a Runelord now so they would need to gain some more powers. They also learned that black dragons live in swamps and the place where Draw lives is a swamp.   So they needed to teleport to to Al-Mastar and Prof. Subject knew who they needed to see: the teacher with the nickname Dr. Teleport. so after searching for many rooms they finally found him, he introduced himself as Fosco Nardin, a human that does not walk, only teleport's. The group convinced him that they needed to teleport to Al-Mastar and he agreed after hearing of there mission.   So the group teleported but where a little of the course and had to walk for a little hour. It was raining when they arrived and a bit cold and wet. During this walk Tyrion explained why he was disguised in Rochdale, he is wanted for murders that he dit NOT committed.   When arriving at the city Draw noticed that something was wrong... and he started running. The rest followed and saw a large Oni attacking the civilians. The attacked the Oni and a few civilians died during the fight, including a young child of a minotaur or the leg of an Houndfolk. Elestar helped the most civilians while the rest attacked the Oni and won.   After that they went to house of Draw witch is also a temple of Ptah the god of Planer Travels, a not that famous god. The dad of Draw named Flame who is a large in height and weight Tabaxi, was really happy that his son returned. But Draw almost immediately went away again to see the librarian Almandad, who is an Golden Dragonborn because he would know more about dragons.   He told that a black dragon was very evil and one of the most dangerous of the chromatic dragons. Also some more information about the Runelords but this the group already knew.   After that the group went back to the temple of Flame. Here they slept for the night, awaiting what the morning will bring.

9th Dec 2021

Session 3: College of Knowledge

When the group arrived ate the edge of town there appeared a portal and out of it fell a Satyr. Draw noticed this and rushed excitedly to the satyr and she introduced herself as Elestar Nightwood and that she was pushed by a friend and could not remember who it was or how that person looked like...   The rest of the group came but Tyrion disguised himself and introduced themselves to Elestar. They agreed to travel togheter to the college and once there they were stopped by a Elf that gave them a very hard riddle as proof for being worthy for entering the College of Knowledge. Draw spend a few hours to this riddle and solved it and to celebrate they all had drinks.   During the night the group and there new friend got to know each other. In the middle of the night Draw went to the College of Knowledge and presented his answer and got entrance to the college.   The next day the group woke up but no Draw... He woke up in a study room and he just walked out of the college but did notice that the rooms in the college where much bigger in the inside than the outside.   The rest of the group decided to just go the the college and hope that Draw would be there already. and he was. so they all entered the college togheter and found Prof. Subject a older human and Dr. Bloop a Kalastar that did not speak common, but Molock first wanted to find a book about black dragons. The rest found the 2 teachers, and they explained what happend with the Runelords. Dr. Bloop went to Molock and together went to the rest.   Here the group showed there runes on there body. Including Elestar that has the rune of Alaznist the runelord of Wrath. The 2 teachers explained the history of the Runelords and how dangerous they are.   "The Runelords created a war that was a never-ending war, where both the Runelords, Gods and Mortals tried to create new ways to wage war. Until one day after 500 years the mortals and gods worked together to stop their rule.   Not many know what happened during this war, but the scars of this war are still visible till this day. Most cities of arcane where completely destroyed by the war. Only the island of Eysturoy mostly survived and the rest of civilization was left in ruïnes.   The rest of the gods and their champions successfully put the Runelords in their statics, for the Runelords are too powerful to be destroyed.   But only 1/5 of the world's population had survived the war of the Runelords."   And the group learned that there is a Runelord under the college. Ratniejt the traitor, the Runelord that backstabbed the others and helped with there first fall. Draw, Molock and Elestar wanted to see this tomb, and Tyrion stayed so he could read some more information about the runelords.   Draw, Molock and Elestar went to the tomb and decided to not open it yet. when they left Molock heard a voice in his head to open his tomb but luckily he shook hit off.   While Tyrion was alone he got contacted by Xinrus and they made a deal, he would get more powers and Xinrus had a spy in the group.

25th Nov 2021

Session 2: Xinrus is free

When the group walked out of the cave Molock noticed that there are a few goblin baby's that crawled out of the tomb that he thrown at then. When they walked out they saw 1 lying dead and tracks of 2 that went into the woods.   But what they all noticed was a track of death and destruction, also there was only one horse that was still alive. So they had to walk al the way back to Kingston. On the first glance the track of blackened, death, trees and grass was going to Kingston. The group traveled and on the first day they came to the edge of the forest and decided to camp in the trees. But in the night one tree woke up and Draw talked to it wille Molock wanted to chop it down! But Draw convinced the Treant to leave them alone and that they would leave the forest. Tyrian slept most of it trough this encounter.   The next day they walked over the green field and over a hill they saw smoke and rushed to the top. But what they saw they did not belief! A giant hole in the castle wall of Kingston and multiple fire's that consumed the Royal District. They rushed as fast as they could to the city and there they saw Loretta leading a few residents to tame the fire. The group talked with her wille helping and she advised to go to the library for more information, to find a cleric that will help them with there wounds, and that payment will happen tomorrow.   They went to the library and found there Jipurd, an old Gnome that was helping them and would find everything he had on hand about the Runelords. While he was looking for the books Tyrian saw a scroll in a desk drawer and took it with him. When Jipurd came the group read the books and found out that the Runelords have once ruled over the world for 109 years and had an second coming that was soon stopped by a group of hero's. Jipurd tolt them that if they wanted more knowledge they would have to go to the College of Knowledge, and find Dr. Subject and Professor (Something funny) for more information of the Runelords. Jipurd noticed that Tyrian had a weird scroll shape in his waterskin and wanted to see it. But with quick with Tyrian tricked him and now he has a LVL 6 spell scroll.   Molock went to a cleric and met there Liosa MacCodrum, a young human lady that caries a shield and a pistol with her. She was healing a few wounded and cured Molock with his internal bleeding. In the meantime Draw noticed that he could feel some kind of portal and Tyrian and him self would find out what that was. Molock went back To Liosa and said that he would meet them back at there place. So Molock walked back to her and talked for a long time while helping with carrying wounded.   Draw and Tyrian went to the source of the portal and met there a Halfing family that used it to travel to a different place because Kingston was not safe. They talked to the father, Bob and convinced him to help them tomorrow with a portal to Deus Taal so that they would be on the same island of the College of Knowledge, the Sunder Island. So they walked to the home of Molock but noticed that he was not there yet. but entering the building was easy because of the giant hole in the building. Molock came back after some time and was surprised that Draw and Tyrian where in his house.   They sleept and Draw explored the house a little bit didn't found anything interesting. the next day they group went to Lorreta who was now the leader of the Armor and Goblet because all other above her in rank died protecting the city. She gave the group a handbook of monsters, a Shelphone that would contact her at any moment (if they would be in the same plane) and ofcourse payed the group for there good job. The group had some time and time to kill so they went shopping and Molock went to Liosa once more. Until it was time they waited for Bob to open the portal and went trough it.   On the other side of the portal was Deus Taal, a halfling city and from there the group traveled for a couple of days. Where Draw one night wile keeping watch was attacked by a Bullet, a terrifying landshark that knocked him out in one go. Luckily Molock healed him back up his feet. and after a long and dangerous battle Tyrian send the Bullet to a different plane with his magic, Pandemonium, a plane with a wind that could drive everybody to insanity.   One one day the found a burning cart with 3 dead bodies around them all killed by a Powerword Kill spell. they found a map with a marker where Sorshen, the Runelord of Lust, would be. A peak that is mostly southern of the Raging Heights. They found there first clue.   A few days passed and the group arrived at the edge of town of Rochdale, where the College of Knowledge resides. Also a place where Tyrian have some unfinished business of his past that still lingers with him...

20th Oct 2021

20th Oct 2021

Session 1: The beginning of the End

The story stared in Kingston on the docks. Moloch stole a cloak and run to the docks, Where Draw teleported to from Al-Mastar and Tyrion arrived from the boat that he was in without the crew knowing.   They meet up and wanted to help each outer. mostly by gaining money. So they dicited to go with Moloch to a old teacher of him that works in the Armor and the Goblet, a quest guild. Lorreta is an Elf that gave the group a quest to kill some Goblins that terrorize the ruins of King Rane Forest.   They got some horses that and left to the woods. Draw got a little lost but Molock did know the way. In the night they found a ruined tower that the group wanted to camp in. Tyrion found some text of runes on the wall that sayed. Beware for Xinrus. On the first watch they got attacked in the night by a Minotaurus and Molock decapitated it.   Later when Draw took watch a few goblins came and saw the Minotaurus and collected some meat from it. the group ambushed them and only one survived and made a run for it.   The group left the tower and went somewhere ells in the woods and rest for a little bit more. The next morning they found the goblin den and attacked it. Molock killed a few baby goblins... and they found a skeleton with a rune in the skull.   In the last room they fought a Bugbear and the last surviving goblin that attacked them that night. And there was just a Tomb and a statue of 2 gods in it. Abadar, the god of Law and Pharasma the goddess of fate.   Molock opened the tomb and out of it came black smoke and from that same smoke a Large demon looking thing... stoot up and introduced himself as Xinrus. He offert the group his "blessing" Moloch and Tyrian accepted it but Draw rejected it. and on the forehead of Molock and Tyrian the same rune of Xinrus was burned in there forehead. And in the same black smock he left the cave...

Xinrus is free again after a very long sleep. Now 4 people that are linkt by destiny must stop the Runelords.

This story is told by