Session 8 Report

General Summary

The chains holding the three Redbrand captives were broken, freeing them. The woman introduced herself as Mirna Dendrar, along with her two children Nars and Nilsa. Not in an environment suited for debriefing the Party, joined by the Dendrars, snuck out of the Manor's underground and back to the Stonehill Inn. At the Inn Mirna told the group what had happened as Trilena helped her and her children recover. She recalled how her husband had been murdered his corpse paraded around the town square before returning to capture her. She was not able to provide much information that the party did not already know. She had heard Glasstaff speak but was not able to glimpse their face.   After the chaos and combats of the last few days the party members took the calm and took a long rest. Following rest, they went to meet the town master to collect payment for clearing out the orc encampment. Wisely, they did not mention Kost or the payment of orc corpses to them. While taking payment they bumped into Sildar who had set up his search for Iarno Albrek at the town master's hall.   Sildar described the missing wizard to the party. After he was finished several of the party members found the description of a 'short, dark-bearded human in his thirties' familiar. Sildar was describing Glasstaff!   What better way to test the party's hunch than to sneak back into the manor's underground and kidnap the Redbrand leader. Sneaking in from the entrance in the manor this time the party snuck around before bumping into the nothic again. Seemingly always one to follow their stomach the nothic was quickly distracted by the promise of snacks at Greg's funeral. Investigating the area where the Redbrand cloaks had been stored the party druid found a secret passageway. Figuring that it was connected to Glasstaff's quarters the party split with one half staying at the secret entrance and the other going to the proper entrance through the evil wizard's workstation.   Being ambushed in your personal quarters is not the home defense that most people wish for. Glasstaff was sharing that wish as he was quickly bound, blinded, gagged, and taken away. Glasstaff's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day continued as he was bound in rope and strung from the ceiling.   The wizard spilled what beans he had.   The Black Spider is a drow
The Black Spider sent Glasstaff the bugbears to help control the city but they haven't been needed. Glasstaff doesn't know the way to Wave Echo Cave, but they do.
The Black Spider is searching Wave Echo Cave for the Forge of Spells.
Iarno did not tell anyone of his defection, no other members of the Lord's Alliance know of it.     Beefcake gathered Halia from her home and brought her to the room to question Iarno for himself. She did not seem interested questioning and was fine with moving onto the next stage, deciding how to depose of the villian. Sildar insisted on sending the fallen member of the Lord's Allience to Neverwinter to face due process. Wynn however had different intentions, and unfortunately for Sildar the argument of logistics was in her favor. Seeing that he was outmatched, realizing the dangers of the road, a potentially corrupt trial ahead, and that escorting Iarno would delay his search for the Rockseek brothers, Sildar eventually relented.   Iarno Albrek, once proud member of the Lord's Allience, a promising young wizard taken in by evil, was brought to the edge of the forest and a knife was drawn across his throat as a halfling's eyes crackled in the torchlight.

The Lost Mines
Report Date
04 Jul 2024
Primary Location

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