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Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
January 7, 2021 | Full

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 22nd April 2021 21:00

WDotMM: L1E10 - Old friends, new friends.

Someone from the party's past reunites with them for the first time in a long time. A party member departs.

Sessions Archive

15th Apr 2021

WDotMM: L1E9: The Fine Fellows of Daggerford

When we last met, our party had just rescued a (vengeful) member of the Fine Fellows of Daggerford adventuring company. Will they aid in his vengeance?

18th Mar 2021

WDotMM: L1E8: By the power of Nimr'aith, wonder friend powers activate!

The invisible Inkus slaughtered many a goblin before they knew what was happening. With the brainy bugbears dispatched as well, along with shadowy duplicates galore, what will happen next?!

11th Mar 2021

WDotMM: L1E7 - The invisible...man?

When we last saw our heroes, they had found an ancient stone archway. Convinced that it was nothing, Rag blithely ran through it. Following suit, Inkus barged through and began to help search for secret doors. Hearing the dragonborn opine on the stonework, Rag turned to offer a retort to find that he could not see Inkus. What will the invisible dragonborn with the cursed sword do now?! Tune in to find out!

18th Feb 2021

WDotMM: L1E6 - Internet Trolls are the worst...

After finding themselves suddenly face-to-face with a troll, our party continues to delve into Undermountain.

11th Feb 2021

WDotMM: L1E5 - I want to see goggles everyone...

4th Feb 2021

WDotMM: L1E4 - Onwards and ... Downwards?

Our heroes will continue to delve into the mysteries of the world's greatest dungeon!

21st Jan 2021

WDotMM: L1E3 - Vampire (the Masquerade)

What will Buffy and Zander do now that they and the strange lizardman have eliminated the threat of the vampire nest...   (Wait, wrong setting.)

Read the Report
14th Jan 2021

WDotMM: L1E2 - The Party Forms

Our heroes will unite for the first time in this second installment.

Read the Report
7th Jan 2021

WDotMM: L1E1 - Descent

As is the case most nights at the Yawning Portal Inn, the extravagance of the bets being laid on adventurers' survival Undermountain are growing in proportion to the amount of alcohol served. Will you be one of the ... brave (?) ... few to take up arms and descend for fame and glory?

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Rag Dal

Inkus Shawarum