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One-Shot: Family In Need - Session 2 Report

General Summary

After accepting a new assignment from Lord Wilson's the adventurers left the mansion back towards Arboria. Tracing back the same route they followed going there it took them a few hours to return back to the city. Arriving there they went straight for the Foamy Tankard Inn and found Lord Wilson's investigator who gave them a bit more information on the location of the ring they were going to steal back.   Taking a few hours to scout out the location and talk over their plan they decided it was best to strike at night when guards and possible witnesses would be least likely.   The first half of the plan went great when the team climbed atop a neighboring building, scaled a tight beam without too much issue and landed on the balcony at the back without being seen. Meanwhile Emily was playing tunes at the front of the building, keeping eyes on trouble and making an unsuspecting distraction if needed. Back on the otherside however, unlocking the balcony door is where it went downhill. The otherwise experienced Kaylee seemed to have forgotten to check for traps and promptly got firmly zapped while trying to pick the lock of the door. While the group was discussing how to proceed, the ever stoic and silent horus grabbed his War Axe without hesitation and broke down the door in two big swings. GREAT, they were in!   Briefly after entering the chamber their search was interrupted when they heard footsteps and a voice from downstairs. The patrolling guard inside had noticed the noise and was coming up to investigate. Immediately Horus jumped to the door and held it shut while barricading it with whatever he could find. Giving Kaylee the needed time to try and pick the safe they found in the room. Meanwhile Bernhard climbed back on the roof to magically send messages back and forth with Emily to keep her in the loop.   Horus easily kept the door shut with his great strength and his quick idea of barricading it. The guard however seemed to have figured he needed help and went back down. Bernhard deducted this rather quickly and attempted to rush back down to stop him but in his haste lost his balance on the beam and fell down. Kaylee was not having much luck either and struggled greatly with the lock on the safe. But while tensions were rising and everything seemed to go wrong she finally pulled through! Not having any time to waste they stripped the entire content of the safe and rushed back the way they came. Catching up with Bernhard down below they helped him off the ground and quickly ran off away from the warehouse, shortly after joining up with Emily as well.   While looking through the stuff they had snatched there was suddenly a slow clapping sound. It was Carver walking up to them and congratulating them with their succesful heist. This nice compliment however quickly turned sour when he snatched the ring from their hands and ran off into the night....

Terrors of the Boroughian Wetlands
Report Date
14 Dec 2022

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