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One shot: Family in Need session 3 Report

General Summary

The PC chased Carver Grimm through the streets of Arboria and got real close but eventually just lost him at the edge of town.   Following the bloody trail he left behind the PCs finally found him back at the Wilson Manor. Here they found him talking to Robert Wilson. When Robert Wilson tried to settle the tensions an exact double of him covered in blood and bruises stumbled into the chamber. In a few sentences he shouted that there was an imposter and he had been kept hostage for days before passing out on the floor. When the imposter confessed and turned into a monstrous form he stabbed Horus with his sharp claw before fleeing a not long after. They PCs fought of Carver Grimm and other henchmen before being able to chase the imposter. However after having slipped into another room and the party being split up he was able to take Kaylee's appareance and flee out the front door.   The PCs angerily cut their loses and returned to the real Robert Wilson who had been slightly healed during the fight. He would need some more care in the long run but seemed to be in better shape already. A good meal and a few days rest would bring him back to full health in no time. He will definitely be sending out a bounty on the shapeshifter and the PCs will be kept out of any legal trouble created by it's deception and lies.   So even though the creature is still out there, everything seems to be mostly getting back to normal again!

Terrors of the Boroughian Wetlands
Report Date
18 Dec 2022

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