Session 4: A night at the museum Report--search for the flaming sword

General Summary

Rand Bluecastle, Krastopher, Raul, and Picktop were hired to guard the Merchants' Guild and night as the guild was expecting another attack from the sky. The four were locked in with instruction to watch from the roof. Before getting there, however, they made their own investigations of the premises.   Nothing terribly interesting was uncovered in most rooms, meeting chambers, a library, lots of privies (apparently merchants have small bladders). One room, a plush sitting room with fireplace, however, had two animated amour guards and when the four went poking around, the armour attacked. Rand was almost killed before Raul figured out the command word to shut them down. The room had a mysterious cloak with a flaming sword outline on it hidden in the flue.   Without warning guildmaster Laird came tumbling out of door, badly burned and attacked by a man in black. The four tried to pursue the attacker but he disappeared down a trap door into the sewers, while the guildmaster perished, despite Rand's attemp tto save him.   Chasing the attacker through the sewers, the party happened upon him succumbing to the vigorous attack of an ogre-like creature guarding an entrance to some structure or rooms in the sewers. The ogre had what appeared to be the flaming sword and Krastopher traded a bag of coins for the weapon. At just that moment, Wheatley from the Adventurers' Guild appeared from a small door on the other side of the sewer channel and bade the party to return to the surface.   Outside the Merchants' Guild the four were met by the City Guard who were suspicious of the party's involvement in the Merchant Guildmasters' death, but Lisom from the Adventurers' Guild was there to smooth things over.   Back at the Adventurers' Guild, the party agreed to return the sword to one of the guildmembers. Many guildmembers seemed fearful of the sword and what harm may come to those who possessed it.   With this mission accomplished it seems the Adventurers' Guild will take on the newcomers.

Rand (prone) almost killed by suits of armour.
The Great City
Report Date
09 Dec 2020

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