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Session 5: The Catacombs Report

General Summary

Start Cornelious looking for book at archives

  • Elven woman at desk Kalli 7-11th Floor is the archives
  • Right stairs curve up and around the building.
  • Knocks on the door, lower one
  • Right out Far wall left, 4th bookshelf, 3rd shelf, 7th book
  • Leif looking for specialty bolts magical/mechanical
  • Market is split into a few general areas
  • food market
  • general misc area
  • weapons/armor
  • magical items
  • fish area
  • 3 stalls
  • bought two grape shot esk net arrows 1-gold
  • couple sq yard net 3-gold
  • 4 vests - 10 gold
  • Clive chill it up with Hilpog/Gean and gang
  • Heads to the foggy fish does't find them , they might be at work,
  • 11 gold bet on a good contender.
  • get vests for the fishing tomorrow.
  • Gean is betting on hilpog
  • Meet back up at Castle Vallar talk it out a bit.   Order Skeletons 18 Ghast 17 Clive 10 Cornelious 8 Lief 4 Ghoul 3   1 Ghast 148 272 - DEAD HP 11 AC 13 2 Ghouls HP 22, 22 AC 12 8 Skeletons HP 5 , 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 AC 13

    The Call Back
    Report Date
    11 Jul 2020

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