02 The Goblins' Bane
General Summary
The party reminisce about Elzador's magnificent use of the Fear spell, and decide to follow the goblins into the cave. Walking through the cave, they see the goblins' forge, grindstone, and other similar things. As they keep walking, there are glowing mushrooms now growing further in the cave on the walls. Aramys knows what kind of mushrooms they are. They come to a corner and send Peep in to check the area. Watching through his familiar's eyes, Chip sees the area ahead, along with a firebolt hurdled at the bird. Almost immediately after that, arrows start flying at them and they are chased out of the cave. Seconds after escaping the goblins, they get on their horses and ride to the rangers' home. Using honey as an antibacterial home remedy, they remove arrows from their bodies and regain some Hit Points. After waking up the Owlbears and conversing with them about alternate entrances to the cave, they start to make plans. They plan to take a long rest, and right afterwards go back and set up traps. During the rest, two members of the party get freaked out by a rustling bush, and wake up the others, which makes them extremely annoyed. After casting Fearie Fire and Firebolt at it, Elzador goes back to sleep. Going back to keep watch outside, Aramys sees another bush rustle, and goes near it, noticing a dryad in there. The dryad is infatuated with Elzador and came to warn them about the Goblins headed that way. The wizard gives Rose, the dryad, a piece of chocolate he made sparkle with the use of Prestidigitation. She says that she can help them with bringing up roots and vines to help entangle the goblins when they make their advance. They set up an ambush, while Chip goes to wake the Owlbears and asks them for help, which instead makes the owlbears escape. Aramys prepares a poison, Belladonna prepares Molotovs, and Rose casts Pass Without Trace on the party. The ambush goes well. None of the party members lose any HP, Elzador creates an illusion of a forest god, and all of the goblins die. Everyone finishes their rests, Elzador does so while painting Rose for another time. Aramys and Belladonna pick up shortbows for ranged attack purposes, and they head back towards the cave, to the secret entrance. They send Peep in to scout the area, he returns some time later with information on this side of the cave. The party now, knowing some of the path, start going into the cave, lead by Aramys and Peep on her shoulder, the others follow circa 30 feet behind. They encounter a few goblins, and after killing them retrieve some books - two of them in Goblin and one that looks like a spellbook, in Undercommon. Not long after that, they reach the main room of the cave, where the wizard goblin resides. Combat ensues, and they manage to defeat all of them.
I'll drink to that battle.They now go back to the house to relay the information that the cave is safe to the Owlbears. In Arcadia, heading back to the Guild, they gave Chip and Betsy kisses goodbye. At the Guild tavern, they start bickering with Arlayana, who asks for 20% of the gold found on the mission, which goes to Guild funds. The party members are now officially members of the Guild! They receive Seals that bind with their blood, that give them access to the Guild resources. Elzador immediately asks if they have access to black market jewelry, and Belladonna inquires about any contacts the Guild might have that have necromantic capabilities. They both get very diplomatic answers to their questions. Chip wants to read the books he found, written in Goblin. Arlayana mentions that Chip might get a Scroll of Comprehend Languages from the owner of Cantrip Clove, the local magic shop. After mentioning his state of poverty, the barmaid says that for a low-level magic item like that, Liam might be interested in trading favors. The party is lead to their rooms by Bug, the Tabaxi blood magic user. They receive two rooms, Aramys and Chip occupy one, and Belladonna and Elzador are forced to share the other. Elzador finds a painting of him in his backpack after opening it, painted by Rose. It's a beautiful painting, even Belladonna mentions that she made him look OK on it. Their rooms are connected by a door.
Rewards Granted
They receive the Goblin Wizard's spellbook, that is written in Undercommon.
Two books, written in Goblin.
Aramys collects (amount) of Glowing Mushrooms.
5GP per person.
Potion of Healing.
Scroll of Alarm and Scroll of Mage Armor.
Portion of rewards given to the Guild: 1GP per person.
Missions/Quests Completed
Completed: Entering the Guild
If Eithin ever gets a brother, he's going to be named after Chip. Chipin.