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Session 4

General Summary

After an intense battle with a goblin tribe that had also lured some skeletons in to the camp, the party rescued their canoes, having wiped out almost all the goblins.   Deciding to press on toward the guardian, the crossed the river and continued on foot. On the second night, they were ambushed by strange humans in primitive clothing with blue triangles painted on their foreheads. They quickly dispatched them, but were left wondering about the group and the strange symbol.   The next day they found Vorn in a clearing with obvious signs of worship by several different factions, goblins, vegepygmies, and even grung. The amulet was nowhere nearby, so they decided to track down the goblins first, feeling that these would be easiest to manage.   After tracking through the jungle, the managed to sneak up on a goblin encampment, and decided to try to find the amulet without being seen. However, they were quickly spotted and another pitched battle ensued. They quickly killed the goblin leader who was wearing the amulet and began to retreat when the entire encampment folded into a giant vine net and was flung through the air to another part of the jungle. Glad to have been outside of the crazy contraption at the time, they went back to their canoes and continued on to Camp Vengeance   Undril Silvertusk and Niles Breakbone were grateful for their assistance. The camp was suffering from a bout of Monkey Fever, and the party did what they could to heal and cure as many as possible, earning the thanks of the Order of the Gauntlet. They were given some additional soldiers and canoes for the return trek to Port Nyanzaru so that Undril Silvertusk could return to Baldur's Gate in order to get more reinforcements to fight the undead threat in Chult.   After arriving, they went to speak with Wakanga O'tamu and decided to trade the shield guardian for a staff of healing. He also told them of the forgotten ruins of Orolunga, which he was told might hold the key to finding the Soulmonger.   They also met with Musharib, who was looking for Kasimir Zhayne. The dwarves had a contract for gemstones with his family, but the mine had been overrun by firenewts. In addition to being able to restore the trade route, he offered each of them 20 1lb ingots of adamantine if they could drive out the firenewts.   After spending the night with the merchant prince, they will have to decide on their next move.

Rewards Granted

Staff of Healing

Staff of Healing


Rare Bard, Cleric, Druid, Healing Requires Attunement

This staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier: cure wounds (1 charge per spell level, up to 4th), lesser restoration (2 charges), or mass cure wounds (5 charges).   The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff vanishes in a flash of light, lost forever.

  50 gp   4 potions of healing   3000xp ( 750xp each )

Tomb of Annihilation

Kasimir Zhayne

Lawful Neutral Human (Anthropologist)
Paladin 5
Cleric (Grave) 4
84 / 84 HP

Halveer Nagimar

CG Human Variant (Archeologist )
Ranger 6
40 / 40 HP
Report Date
02 Apr 2021

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